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Reviews for Tell Me, What Makes Your Side the \'Light\' Side?

By : Alexa
  • From ANON - Ranma064 on November 28, 2005
    I have been waiting for someone to write something like that! lol, it was really good! I really loved it, and I didn't see very many errors, if any at all.
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  • From ANON - Colene on September 16, 2005
    Wow. I never really thought about things quite THAT way before. Very interesting and also very convincing. I like it. Write some more things like that, okay?
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  • From ANON - FairyChild on September 16, 2005
    Okay now you should write Harry's repley to it! heh. This was very good. I enjoyed it. The passion in which Draco speaks is just lovely dearest.
    Now more.

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  • From ANON - sbkar on September 15, 2005
    A bit more righteous indignation mixed with vitriol and I think it'd peg Draco! Oh...Sqwibs should be Squibs.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on September 15, 2005
    Nice arguement! Will you do Harry's response?
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  • From ANON - Siobhan on September 15, 2005
    What makes the right side the "light" side is that they do not torture and kill for sport. Voldemort and his followers kill for the fun of it. They torture and maim just because they can. THAT is what makes them the dark side. Why is Potter so special? Because his parents were killed trying to protect HIM. He was targeted for death by Voldemort, because he was the only one who would be able to defeat the Dark Lord. Someone on the side of good and righteousness would not try to kill a baby, but would try to raise him to believe in the right side. As for the Slytherins and others who have lost family due to the "war," they should not have been supporting a murderer. Voldemort wants power to control everyone and kill whenever he pleases. The "light" side is in power and allows people to vote on the laws and have a say in what happens in their lives. With Voldemort, it's his way or death. Now, you tell me - which is the right way to live???

    Good enough response for you? ;-)
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  • From ANON - LadyX on September 15, 2005
    damn straight that is! Totally agree. Makes perrfect sense. I hadnt really stopped to think about it til now but you are right...I say here for like 10 minuets after reading it to think about it. totally right
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