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Reviews for Angelic

By : penancez
  • From Elvira on July 04, 2009
    Dude that was brutal. I liked it though. Poor girl. Haveing to go through all that.
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  • From ANON - PhoenixAngel on October 24, 2005
    Very sad fic. But I liked it. I usually tend to read fics with happy endings, I dont mind dark or angst though.
    Keep up the good work.


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  • From ANON - MidnightShade3 on October 06, 2005
    Dark. Angsty. Beautiful.
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  • From ANON - DarkMarron on September 30, 2005
    wow... heavy... good story but oh sooooooooooo dark...
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  • From Tamura on September 28, 2005
    eep. that was gruesome. i can imagine Severus being a second, or rather third, dark lord. i'm reading one where Lucius is in almost the same exact position as Sev. I liked it, even with the death at the end. I assume that's what happened after she slid off the rail anyways
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  • From ANON - Kat Potter on September 20, 2005
    Aawww how sad. Mean old snapie. grrrrrr
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  • From ANON - fragonknight01 on September 19, 2005
    That was totally chilling, yet so believeable.
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  • From ANON - PM Honey on September 19, 2005
    Wow...that was really powerfully written. Your work uses emotion very well. So very sad but still I like it!
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  • From ANON - penny on September 19, 2005
    WOW!! this story is freakin awesome. Who wrote this masterful piece of work?! Oh wait I did. . . I know. Kinda sad when an author reviews there own stuff. *Sad sigh*
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  • From ANON - Owarnaimon Aite (too lazy to log in) on September 18, 2005
    Wah!!! It can't end there! Awesome one-shot.... I agree that there should be an aftermath.... maybe even a forestory as to when/how she was born and when the abuse started and why. I can't wait to see what else you write! ^-^ Keep it coming!
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  • From ANON - fw on September 18, 2005
    oh my god that was so amazing! I've never seen anything like this at all. Excellent work. You can just feel the emotions going on through the eyes of the little girl. And Harry is always silent as a last ditch effort at hurting Snape, but apparently can yell and scream too where his daughter is concerned. I wonder how they would react to find her dead? That's something to imagine right there.
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  • From ANON - Mistress Vamp on September 18, 2005
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