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Reviews for ~*Deviant*~

By : Curiosity
  • From Bambisbunny on April 10, 2008
    This is an o.k. story. It does have its good points. However, you seriously need a beta. One that knows how to spell and has a reasonably large vocabulary, so your not repeating every third word. Sorry if this seems like a flame, I assure it is not meant to be, but meant to be helpful in, maybe revising? Also, one more thing, the 'laugle' that you came up with is called a chuckle. I know common associations with chuckle are manly, barking laughs, but is actually exactly how you described the 'laugle'.
    I do like it, really, I just think it needs to be dry cleaned and pressed a bit is all.

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  • From ANON - gg on January 15, 2006
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  • From ANON - Update Queen on January 15, 2006

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  • From ANON - NumuNumu on January 11, 2006
    You don't have a summary or warnings up, just so you know.
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  • From ANON - MorvanaDuMiruvor on November 13, 2005
    This really IS a waste of time. If you were going to have a male raping another, why didn't you have Snape raping Draco or Ron or something? This is ridiculous? Dudley would be scared shitless if he did that to Harry, but the more important issue is how the hell Dudley could have even gotten Harry to go along with this. The kid that beat the fuck out of Voldemort, the most powerful wizard in the World in two decades, is going to be raped and controlled by an angsty, useless, emoed, fat fucker? You have gotta be kidding me. If you were that desperate for an idea, you should have gone with a cliche. At least some cliche's can be a good read, like Unlikely Connections? That story has got an unoriginal idea, but it's so effing good!! So, better luck next time, but this sucks majorly.
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  • From ANON - Missi on November 03, 2005
    I want to read this fic because I've heard it's good, but I can't find warnings anywhere.
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 29, 2005
    GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waste of space and time
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  • From Curiosity on October 23, 2005
    How do you view reviews?
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  • From ANON - dragon34 on October 10, 2005
    I like your story, although I've only read the first chapter so far. I hope Harry finally realizes he's a wizard, and can kick Dudleys ass anytime. Well I'm off to read more.
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