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Reviews for Scared

By : jessb8321
  • From ANON - narcissa on August 01, 2006
    i'll be watching out for the new plot!
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 12, 2005
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  • From ANON - amanda on October 21, 2005
    is harry and lee will relationship still be strong . is the story going to be like you wrote like now or different

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  • From ANON - MystWynd on October 17, 2005
    Hey. I don't like to read half a fic and then leave a review so I attempted to read all of your fic, but it just wasn't happening. So here's some constructive criticism. I want to help, your fic has potential.
    1) Your spelling and grammer need alot of work, if you had a Beta before get a new one. Your current Beta isn't doing his/her job.

    2) The second chapter was very difficult to read. All italics and no spaces make for a jumbled mess of words. Please try to space out your paragraphs.Try not to use too many italics save where necessary

    3) Also your plot idea has merit but your story really needs to be fleshed out. It's just so bare-bones. It's so... not enough. Add more description.

    Just work on it, you can repost it as many times as you need. And if you get advice in reviews don't get upset, it just means that your readers want to see the full potential of your fic.

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  • From ANON - bookworm51485 on October 04, 2005
    I have to say if your getting the story RE-betaed then I agree with the first reviewer, track him or her down and beat them. Grammer is not all there is to a story, you need to reeeeeeally get a new beta, someone who maybe writes stories also and is actually good at them and can tell you what you need to fix.
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  • From ANON - bookworm51485 on October 04, 2005
    I guess you decided to delete all the reviews and repost the story but unfortunately your not going to get away from it. Your story is not very good, it has potential, the idea is good. But at this point I have to say that it won't be good unless you either start really working at it or a really writer writes this story. Because at this point your not a real writer, just somebody who writes crap but then isn't willing to make the effort to improve the story. Because real writers aren't necessarily people who's first drafts turn out perfectly and they never need to find someone to edit the stories, real writers are people who are willing to work at their craft and are willing to take criticism and advice. I suggest you take the criticism you got before to heart. You need to fix this story or all you will get are bad reviews. So maybe you should find a really good beta or find an author who's story is reall well written and ask for advice. That's all.
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  • From ANON - anon on October 03, 2005
    fire your beta then beat him bloody ....PLEASE
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