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Reviews for Return of the King

By : wolfwalkerron
  • From ANON - fragonknight01 on October 05, 2005
    Absolutely riveting! I just adored the explanation of House Elves too. Can't wait to see Dumbledore's tantrum and who all he drags into it.
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  • From ANON - Midnight Fairy on October 05, 2005
    please update as soon as possible
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  • From ANON - celestraldreamer on October 05, 2005
    I'm so glad I've found this story here I was reading it on ffnet when they deleated it :(
    Now I can re-read it as you post the new/old chapters. Great character development and descriptions
    I can still find something to marvel over every time I re-read that is something rare keep it up

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  • From ANON - Storm on October 05, 2005
    Very cool. I like it. Can't wait to read the next update
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  • From ANON - Shinigami on October 04, 2005
    *nods head* Good! I'm glad to find this! I was more than peeved when delated it! Since this fanfic is one of my favorites...
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  • From ANON - Jennifer on October 04, 2005
    I am glad you put it up here. Are you going to update daily to get it caught up with the other on you other site? I think you should, it would make it much easier when trying to reread your story. Are you going to put up Harry Potter Return of the First Ones here? I love your story and again thank you for putting it up here. please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Annie on October 04, 2005
    This is a really great story! I use Harry's word 'Wow!' I really like it, the first part with the guy waking up confused me for a bit until I you explained later on. Or at least I think that's what you explained. I didn't even look for mistakes because I was too involed in your story. I know this is going to sound really stupid but who is Ar'Ron. Is it the LotR guy or not? I was slightly confused over that but it really doesn't play that much into the plot. He could just be an elf you created and that wouldn't change anything. Do you update fair often or do you take weeks or months? I hope its fairly often.

    Once again this is a really great first chapter. Really great. Keep up the excellent work.

    Happy Writings
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  • From ANON - lena on October 04, 2005
    i thought from the title that this might bear some resemblane to Tolkein's work. i like it a lot, i will be watching for updates. i have only two things to complain about.. and that is simply because i am fickle n.n;

    when the book was first written the name of the book, first movie and most importantly the stone was not the sorcerer's stone but the philosopher's stone.

    i assume the term that A'Ron is using (Mel'Anin i think) is meant to be that in elvish which means 'my friend'. am i right? if not, then please ignore this next sentence. This spelling is actually incorrect, the precise spelling being Mellon Nin, mellon meaning friend and nin meaning my or mine.

    I hope i have been constructive and fair in my critisizing, i'm sorry if you have taken offence to this. please update soon.
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  • From ANON - gwen on October 04, 2005
    im happy you decided to repost this I was reading it when deleted it.
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