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Reviews for Funerals and Weddings

By : iamscullysmile
  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 14, 2006
    Oh I need chapter 54! What happens next?
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  • From ANON - Jamy on January 14, 2006
    Ugh, Poor Draco and Harry, you could just feel his heart breaking, damn I'm pretty sure I could even hear my own break a little bit.
    I absolutely love your story, not just smut, but EXCELLENT plot too! Worked in a way that makes it feasible.
    Ah, such wonders in your mind Scully!
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  • From ANON - Amessis on January 13, 2006
    Oh no! You've got to update soon! I hope Draco is okay. Hmm, obviously a few people know about the guys now, but I don't think that's a bad thing for them.
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  • From ANON - Camiella on January 12, 2006
    I really love your story I just spent the last two days reading all your wonderful chapters between my college classes. Brillant story by the way! I love how you made Harry and Draco work past there differences and not just jump in there and snog! Plus who doesn't love a little boy on boy lovin! Hehehe

    Anyways, great job keep up the great work! Can't wait for more

    If its possible (not that you have to) I would love to know when you update your great story!

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  • From ANON - anne on January 11, 2006

    *gasps* NO! need more now! please update real soon because this fic is THE SHIT!!
    Love it to pieces :) love the angst, the smut (oh god the smut is friggin hot!!) and the love that harry and draco can't quite put words to yet.

    it is so great and i really hope you update soon!

    oh btw sorry to hear about the burglary and all; that sucks!

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  • From ANON - galaksia on January 11, 2006

    yessss oh merlin yes! incredibly hot fic!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 11, 2006
    Uh oh! I need chapter 53! Polyjuice or something worse?
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  • From ANON - QueenNilya on January 10, 2006
    WOW....I reallly like those storys that are long and makes for a wonderful night of reading....and I LOVE your's amazing!!! Your Harry/Draco scenes are very well written and I love the way you brought a "new character" - Katie - into the fold.....not too many people write about some of the minor characters in the HP world. It's nice that Harry has someone other the Ron and Hermione or the other weasleys for a change......usually he's so isolated...even if it's not meant to be that way....

    Keep writing!!! I am looking forward to reading more!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Jamy on January 10, 2006
    I just got through reading the entirety of the story and am very sorry that I didn't find it sooner!!!
    I'm sorry about your laptop being stolen, and the break-in.
    Those are very frightening, I hope all is well!
    You write wonderfully, and i love this story, it's great!
    Plot, and smut...:-D
    how often do you update?

    Your newest loyal reader,
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  • From ANON - Alison on January 09, 2006
    Wow! Ron (sorta) knows and didn't freak? And what's BL brewing? I can't wait for an update. =o)
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  • From ANON - killlover on January 09, 2006
    Sweet! I've been reading Funerals and Weddings for a while and I love it to deadness! I just haven't been caught up until now, I should check up more often. But finally I am caught up and given the chance to reveiw! Wewt! I absolutely love this fic. And not just for the juicy scenes, but there's actually a plot. Love, love, love! Keep writing... Or I'll cry. T_T
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  • From ANON - writttenmatrix on January 08, 2006
    Been reading this story for a long while now! very well done, I love it. The character development is awesome! but omg did that really happen to you? the burgeler and stuff? when you hit him with the bat, what happened? gah!
    haha well keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Amessis on January 08, 2006
    Well done! So glad to see more of this.
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  • From ANON - Jkaps on January 08, 2006
    Gah! I love this fic!

    It's really good, sre you sure this is a first time attempt? I can't wait until it's done!

    :-D I'm just so happy to find such a fic!
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  • From ANON - Betsy on January 08, 2006
    This is a wonderful and exciting chapter. I had wondered what happened to you. Sorry to hear about the break-in. How brave you were. I'd have been trembling in a corner sobbing like a baby!

    Anyway, glad you're back and am looking forward to more of this great story. Seems like the boys are having some new feelings.....
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