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Reviews for The Politician\'s Wife

By : pir8fancier
  • From MotekElm on March 13, 2017

    Great complete story. I lived it

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  • From anajandreia on March 07, 2013
    Thank you, woderful job.
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  • From VampyrzLuv on January 20, 2011
    I could not stop reading this story after I started. Exceedingly well written and original plot, many kudos and thanks for writing it!! I enjoyed it immensely. Hope you write more Dramione.
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  • From fettabriecream on September 03, 2010
    i absolutely LOVE this story. Although Draco's too verbose for him to be in character, his blathering's very endearing :D plus, the whole ethical i'm-still-married-no-inappropriate-behaviour Hermione is SPOT-ON. HAHA wonderful job! i'm still wondering why there aren't more hits! :/
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  • From Divinit on August 10, 2010
    I thoroughly enjoyed this story. So well written, so realistic, I could so relate, especially to the parts about divorce. You captured it very well. I love that nothing was magically made perfect throughout it all. The romance between Draco and Hermione, I could relate to that too. LOL. I have found I keep coming back to reread certain chapters, and everything else I've attempted to read absolutely pales in comparison to your story. Bravo! You have a great gift as a writer.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 10, 2010
    This is one of the most realisitic stories I have read in a long time. You didn't 'magically' set Hermione up with a child, you didn't sugarcoat anything, and you didn't give them a plastic 'happily ever after'. Well done! :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 09, 2010
    I am only at the second chapter but you have me in tears. What Bellatrix did to Hermione, what she suffered through for all these years, almost more than I can stand. I know exactly how she felt when she remembered seeing Lily curl her hand over her belly - exactly. There's nothing I love more than a story that tears at the emotions, and you, my dear, excel on that point. Am off to read more as soon as I find the tissues.
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  • From margotlefaye on August 08, 2010
    This story still breaks my heart in the best way possible.
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  • From ANON - jaqui on December 08, 2006
    Wow, well if I'd have noticed the date of your last update, i wouldnt have even started reading this.

    its fantastic, really. i love it. i love the way draco blabs on and on, interjecting all kinds of things into a conversation.

    anyway, i'm very sad that you havent updated in a year...for some reason i thought this story was complete. i hope you come back and update very soon, cuz now i'm gonna be craving this fic.
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  • From ANON - Lrndng on November 02, 2006
    WHen will you come back??? Please come back!
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  • From ANON - kala on October 30, 2006
    very nice.
    I have a particular penchant for suave!Draco and you write him well.
    Reminiscent of snowflakeimps "uneventful story".
    Harry and Ron just don't have the goods to be suave no matter how you stretch the ooc, hmm? ah well. We shall have to make due with Draco (else Blaise I suppose, but I've never found a Blaise story I really enjoyed.)
    My critique: Your summary could use some work, I passed your story several times before finally reading it.
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  • From ANON - Umi on September 02, 2006
    I love this. It
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  • From ANON - Dora on February 10, 2006
    This is lovely, and I can't wait for more. The dialogue had me chuckling. I also like how you haven't changed Hermione much; I see a lot of fics go on with, "And she tamed her hair into perfect fucking ringlets, started wearing make-up, and stopped being such a know-it-all!" Her thought that spending thirty minutes on grooming was criminal just seemed so Hermione to me.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 01, 2006
    Do you realize how bloody brilliant this!!! This must, for the Love of Literatiure, be continued!!!!!!!!! Please...a dying (from stress) girl's request!
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  • From ANON - oral fixation on January 28, 2006
    Looks damn good to me (the plot) so please have mercy on us (the readers) and update!!!!
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