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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Unicorn King

By : garraffen
  • From ANON - LoveGD on June 29, 2006
    Great story so far, please update it soon? I can't wait to see where you take it next!
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  • From ANON - ~Poise~ on January 14, 2006
    More! T_T
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  • From ANON - Obsidian Phoenix on December 29, 2005
    Okay you want to know if you should continue? I only have two words for you, HELL YEAH.
    Well maybo more than two update soon I'm dying to know what going to happen.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 25, 2005
    When I saw the title I thought 3 things
    1 man this is going to be cheasy
    2 there better be A LOT and I mean A LOT of of great sex to counter the cheasyness of this fic
    3 There are going to be a lot of Unicorn refrences arent there?
    Well I was wrong on 2 thing but I still dont see any sex! X_X Oh well I like how you dont just jump into Harry liking Draco but I think you could have done without the first 3 or 4 chapters. When do the Unocorns come in?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on November 06, 2005
    Who is HIS? Dumbledore? Severus? I can't wait for chapter 15!
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  • From ANON - rAiNwAtEr on November 06, 2005
    WOW! This story is really getting interesting. I am extremly glad that I stumbled onto it! Harry and Draco were made to be togather, why can't Rolling see that?! Well, I hope you update as soon as possible. Your A/N's are just positively adorable!

    Waiting for a new chapter,

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  • From ANON - snekcid on November 06, 2005
    More chapters! T_T
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  • From ANON - blindedbytheblood on November 05, 2005
    love it
    im excited about the new chapter!
    but i think u should write like two chapters every time u update
    ok nvm
    then id just want more
    ok now that ive mad an ass out of myself
    i just thought id say
    love it
    and cant wait for the next one
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  • From ANON - The Dark Child[am girl on November 05, 2005

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  • From ANON - Bryjin on November 05, 2005
    'Ello Garaffen. *Smiles*

    Let me tell you I reeeally like your story. It's not complicated, it's rather sweet in an odd way
    and.... I just like it! So obiviously I think you should continue the good work. It's nice that someone
    takes on the challenge and continues where book 6 left us. ^^ I have a nice idea for a story as well,
    but since time is not on my site at the time, it's nice reading others good work! *Claps hands*
    As well I reeeeeally like your disclaimers. *Sniggers* Never read funny ones before so that's a
    niice chance! I hope a review could spice up your day, hopefully you'll update soon.
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  • From ANON - muziyi0009 on November 05, 2005
    What's wrong with you? Are you insane? Of course you should continue. You MUST continue! I love it. LOVE it!
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  • From ANON - Amessis on November 05, 2005
    I loved that! You did a great job of showing Draco's feelings over the years. It's going to be interesting to see if/how Harry gives up his hate & distrust towards Draco. Can't wait to see more of this story.
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  • From ANON - Yana on November 05, 2005
    cool chappy
    poor Draco
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  • From ANON - modesta on November 04, 2005
    I want to find out what happens I've been reading this story since you put up the first chapter, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell us why draco going to be all up on harry in the next chapters. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Tatemshope on November 02, 2005
    I am such a dummy. For some reason your synopsis of this story just didn't pull me in so I had put off reading it and now I'm so mad at myself. This is AWESOME! Here are the top 5 things about your story so far.

    The New Headmaster: I absolutely LOVE Abe. I also loves that he mentions the inappropriate charm he put on a goat. That makes me laugh every single time.

    Lupin and Tonks: For some reason when she offered to make Harry a snack it was so super sweet. I love L/T together and I hope they can make lots of little magical babies.

    Harry: He's not a nitwit in this story and I appreciate that. I swear, sometimes author's make him so dumb you'd rather smack him than root for him. I actually read a story the other day that made me hope Voldemort would kill Harry just to put him out of his moody misery.

    Draco: Mmmmmmmmmmmm.... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Please, for the love of all that is sacred don't make us wait too long for Harry and Draco to get together. Also, please don't make Ron into the world's biggest prat and have some moronic fight with Harry because of it.

    Godric's Hollow: Your description was amazing and I was amazed at all the thought you must have put into it! Bravo!

    Anywho, thanks for the awesome story and update soon! I'll be looking for it!
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