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Reviews for Into The Long Dark

By : Wolfiekins
  • From noxlumen on September 18, 2009
    sorry for not reviewing your phantom fic for so long. to be honest i read so many fan fics that while i can remember the story clearly, half the time i forget the title so i couldn't find this fo a while. for some strange reason yours disapears from the newest updadte section and only can be found again when i do a title search. as you can imagin, this makes keeping up with new chapters and reviewing dificult, espcialy if there were several w.i.p.s i was reading that all updated the same day you did. please complain to admin so i can find out whats up with nev as soon as you post it
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  • From lunabeth on May 14, 2007
    I love this story please write more!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - kyouteki on July 25, 2006
    I really like this story! It is going to be Rael/Harry in the end, right? I can't wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - avihenda on January 31, 2006
    yay! you updated! I love you! I loved the part where rael and tommy talk about his feelings for harry. so cute.
    it will be interesting to see who the "voice" is. I think it's either voldemort or some new character. well, that is my teory anyway.... Hope nev gets to tommy in one piece. Wonder what rael will do when he smells harry on nev. hmmm. that will be interesting. wonder what you will go with there. if he smells it...
    So many questions! ARGH!
    I hope you don't wait so long to update next time, the suspece is killing me.
    keep well!
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  • From ANON - avihenda on January 27, 2006
    no new update :-( *pouts*
    just checking... *huggs*

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  • From ANON - avihenda on January 15, 2006
    you are such a big tease! I think I say that after every chapter.... but it's still true. Great chapter (as allways) but I'm going to be looking for the next chapter lika a mad man, thanks to that ending. Wonder what the vampires will think about the boys being taken care of by warewolves :-) that should come as a chock. I'm looking forward to the next chapter :-) Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - avihenda on January 10, 2006
    oh, background chapter. :-)
    But no harry/rael :-/
    oh well, should not complane, it was a nice long chapter with lots of great detail and snape is a real bad guy, with a bad guy plan :-)
    hope you update soon!

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  • From ANON - avihenda on December 28, 2005
    hi, sorry for not reviewing directly, but my internet conection wasn't helping me.... I've been online 3 sec. and then offline 3 hours, for the last week or so :-(

    Loved the chapter. I read it nearly directly after it came out. ^_^ but alas, I did not get a chans to review it until now :-/
    I think my favorite part is where harry is just about to get killed and rael jumps in from nowhere and kills the bad guy and then tommy says "hes a bit bashed up, but pretty enuf for you" (or something liek that) that is my 100% favorite part for the chapter :-) Actually I've been rereading it a couple of times the last couple of days just because it's so good :-) (I could go one page/3 hours but unfortunetly I forgot to review after the 9 hour click voyage... -_-'

    I'm starting to wonder where all your other reviewers whent. there where alot of them up until just before x-mas some time. My fic has also seen a drop of reviewers :-/ But this fics only gotten better, so there should really be more reviews ?_? I hope you don't stop updating because of this. Although it is starting to look funny with avihenda and avihenda and avihenda writing reviews.... Mayby I should start writing variations of my nick? like avih and lady avihenda or something.... ;-)

    I wan't to read and see if rael goes to harry's house again and plays peeping tom, trying to see if he's (harry) ok and healing as he should. that would be soooo sweet~~~ ^_^

    Sorry, I think I'm writing a novel, not a review here... I'll be going now... *embarased*

    hope you update soon.

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  • From ANON - avihenda on December 20, 2005
    I would like you to promice me something. Alot of authors have been banned of the site latly and some are just moving of it. If you for any reason, change fanfiction site or other, please e-mail me, so I know where you've moved to. I'd hate to loose this fic also. the last month I've had to google a bundle of fics to try to find their new location and some I don't know the name of so I can't find them again, unless I stumble on them. So, please, remember my e-mail and mail me. I love this fic. :-) wanna read it till the end. just change the "at" to a @ and you have it. :-)

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  • From ANON - avihenda on December 18, 2005
    ok, that was evil! a hole chapter and all you did was look at the same thing from diffrent point of views! You DO know I'm dieing to know what has just aperated in right?
    are you teasing me?

    other then that litle point, the chapter was brilliant as allways. someone should give you a medle.
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  • From avihenda on December 14, 2005
    OMG that was a great chapter! I'm getting more and more interested in the combination harry /rael and now this new one with n / tommy.
    sounds like this next chapter will show of some of harry's "real" magic aka dark arts magic. Sounded like a fight is comming, only question is, are they death eaters or vampires?
    I'm dieing to know! so please write the next chapter soon!
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  • From avihenda on December 12, 2005
    you know, I just reread the hole thing and realized that I had missed the chapter where harry and rael talk at the club.
    no wonder that part was a bit jumpy when I read it lol. usually works better when you read the HOLE fic ;-P

    I just checked your reveiws, how can you only have 11 reveiws for 15 chapters when the fic is this good? Are ppl being that lazy?

    hope you write more soon. this is one of my favorite fics at the moment. :-)
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  • From ANON - avihenda on December 11, 2005
    great chapter. I love this fic. I want more harry and rael interaction. love that combination.

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  • From ANON - nox_lumen on December 09, 2005
    love the way you handle snape after book 6. i like the not a good guy but not loyal to voldie ideal. i also look forward to seeing whare things are going with rael. can't wait for the next chapter. please post it soon.

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  • From ANON - ryuuta on November 29, 2005
    Please post chapter 9! *begs* You have accidentally posted chapter 8 two times. About the story - good going! :D And Harry truly is a brat. Argh, I wish I could read more.
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