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Reviews for Living a Lie: Draco Malfoy

By : darksoulbrighteyes
  • From ANON - Neko-chan on November 29, 2005
    Cool. I think i might know whats going on with harry, but I'm not gonna say. xD GO TEDDY! That part was funny, but NICE ;) lol so cool we get to see more potter&weasley involvement...maybe this will help us understand their signifigance in the story...(i now its a draco/harry) pairing thing but you haven't gotten there and i'm nopt one to bitch about that kind of thing) keep up the good work. i wanna see how draco finds out his father r aped him at 11 and that he's being molested and such...WAZARDING WORLDS LAW AND ORDER! xD SVU! ...o.o sorry my whole family is obsessed with law&order...^^;
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  • From ANON - sak on November 07, 2005
    Your story summary as a quote from Draco is interesting. However, I don't see that insight yet. All this talk of making love with his daddy--in a little boy voice no less. I cannot believe Lucius for forcing this on a boy so young but then penetration at 11? That is unbelieveable. And Draco thinks of it as love. It is difficult to comprehend.
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  • From ANON - IRoNy on October 28, 2005
    Theo seems a bit odd but I guess as he is not a main character in the hp books you can't really say how he is supposed to act. He's not a bad character just odd and slightly convenient, for lack of better words. Yea anywayz, more dancing Blaise! lol. He's not gay!? Wow that is surprising. Wonder what is up with Pansy not liking to walk alone? Will that come up again in later chaps? Snape and McGonagall must be a competitive couple with the house rivalry and those bonuses. I love sex ed!Snape. It just seems like that would be his perfect job; or not, but it is fun to imagine. The one I have read was a Remus/Snape one. It so hilarious when he got to the wildness of werewolves in bed. I am getting off topic a bit now, so I just wanna say update soon and I am glad to hear you have a plan for the chapters.
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 27, 2005
    I love it, its a little disturbing, but its so good, can't wait to read the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - sak on October 22, 2005
    I'm starting to wonder about Narcissa in this story. I should have wondered earlier, but does she not recognize what is going on? Coming upon them naked in bed in the earlier chapter and I cannot believe there were no signs previously. Plus, this chapter showed the Slytherins in an unflattering light. The common use of the word "Mudblood" and their less-than-charitable thoughts makes them very unsympathetic characters. I'm not saying I won't read because I want to see understanding dawning, but I am wondering why make the characters (and Draco) unlikeable?
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  • From ANON - IRoNy on October 22, 2005
    Great story, please update soon. And now with all formalities over I must say oddly enough the pairing I have the biggest squick about in this story is Sev and Minerva. *shudder* Yes I am misguided but I can't handle the idea of that old cow wit my sexy giant bat. lol. This story is not for tha weak of heart thaz for sure. The demented consensual rape of a brainwashed Draco, how long until he faces the light? I know I shouldn't ask it would ruin the story still I am but a Pandora and could not resist. You have the story all written out don't you? I freaking love that cuz whenever the author doesn't there is always that fear that you will come back to the next update and find that 'Sorry dear readers' note or that you will never see a next update. SO continue on with your story and update lots cuz I will try to always review. Love how its written.
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  • From ANON - sak on October 21, 2005
    Interesting beginning if a bit disturbing. Still, I would like to know what will happen to Draco this year.
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