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Reviews for Belongings

By : lukablack
  • From Pegleg-TinStar on August 04, 2020

    An interesting take on what might have happened had Harry dared to return to Hogwarts to see Ginny!  While I understand, and it is ‘canan’ that Harry was jealous of other guys when it came to Ginny, I think the possessiveness of Harry for Giiny in this story is a little out of character.  Harry was consistent in wanting the people he cared about to be safe and happy, even if it meant giving them up.  I also think that Harry wasn’t worried about losing Ginny, I think they both knew that if they both survived, they would be together.  The near exhitionist tendencies that Harry’s behavior in this story hints at is also completely out of character for Harry, and I think for Ginny, too.  The author may find it exciting, and I suppose the fear of discovery and the associated thrills that might provide are part of most young persons early sexual experiences, but I don’t think it would make a difference to Harry, who didn’t care about his family (the Dursleys) at all.

    Still, a good account of the intensity of those early encounters.

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  • From ANON - Angel in the Dark on December 06, 2005
    This is one of the hottest stories I've read.
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  • From ANON - MDR on December 01, 2005
    Great! Love the dominant Harry. Next chapter I think he should bugger the girl. ;)
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  • From ANON - Saico on November 04, 2005
    Wow, that was real hot!!
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  • From ANON - L. Alta on November 02, 2005
    Very hot and well-written - Harry Potter erotica at its finest.
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  • From ANON - MDR on November 01, 2005
    Nice! Love the dominant Harry, and the submissive-yet-mischevious Ginny.
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  • From Mdunlap on October 27, 2005
    Damn, now I have to imagine what he could be like, perhaps horizontal, not in a hurry, and completely unclothed. Or, you could write it, and I could read it. Please?
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  • From ANON - Ciaa on October 26, 2005
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