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Reviews for Office Politics

By : TanyaElizabeth
  • From ANON - LJ on December 06, 2006
    I'll say this first, because I find it important. Play rape is definately within my reading fancy, as is BDSM, D/C, and hard-blown N/C. It is /very rare/, however, that I will enjoy a mulipitative N/C story. The subject is not within my fandom's limits, and I do not usually find it the tiniest bit satisfying. Maybe it's because of my own mental conditions, and my experience with emotional abuse, but I usually /just don't like it/.

    I did, under no uncertain circumstances, love this story. This is the first that I have ever read, that is strictly of emotional abuse rather than straight out, tie him/her to the bed/push them against the wall/one time thing/compulsitory rape that I have read and enjoyed. It is also the first Percy story that I have really read and enjoyed (except for this threesome thing of Fred/George/Percy but I think that Percy was really supposed to be Ron).

    I loved how Percy begged, and then seemed to hesitate before actually giving in to the minister. I loved how the molestation progressed, I loved the end of the meeting, how the minister cupped his ass, and how in the end Percy threw up and wondered how much it would have hurt if the minister actually had fucked him.

    I loved how you acknowledged the fact that yes, since Percy's a virgin, and a small person at that, it would hurt even for the minister to use his fingers. I loved the subject, which is subjected on women, and men, every day, and is not often acknowledged as rape.

    It is.

    Kudos to you.

    Now, since I, as an author, love constructive criticism, I will give you some. If you don't want to hear it, skip to the "Thank You" part.

    I think, personally, that if it had actually been Percy, he wouldn't have given in so easily. I think an extra five lines of arguing, or "But, sirs," would be sufficient. Also, Percy /begged/ while he was being /raped/. I don't care if you are male, female, alien, a monkey, or a hermaphodite. It takes a fucking /lot/ to get someone to beg for you to /rape/ them. That was my two cents.


    Thank you for the story. I, once again, /just loved it/.
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  • From ANON - Mandey on September 17, 2006
    Awwww, poor thing.

    Hot, though!
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  • From ANON - Chris on November 19, 2005
    Wow, thats some first chapter! But poor Percy! hmm, but the story looks really good so far, so I do hope you write more!
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  • From ANON - Umino No Kyo on November 05, 2005
    Please continue. It was absoultely amazing ^^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter so you can expect my reveiw ^^ bye

    - Umino No Kyo
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  • From ANON - Renee Velmont on November 04, 2005
    OMG so awesome! When I ran across this I was like "ewe, this is going to squick me out", so i clicked on it. Actually, the part that would have squicked me out would be Percy (he just icks me out) instead of Scrimgeour (who I want to MARRY).

    Now, I haven
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  • From ANON - LazyReviewer on October 29, 2005
    I like it seems to have much promise but I am sure if I could remember how old Scimgoer is I would somehow be grossed out. So is our little Percivus gonna have a handsome rescuer?
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  • From ANON - eelectric_diva on October 26, 2005
    yeahyeah yeah! contiue please...this was great!
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