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Reviews for Potion Mishaps and Secrets Revealed

By : aloveablegimp
  • From ANON - lori on November 20, 2005
    i love your story it it good and i have a friend that would love to help you with the misspelling and all got to run lov ya'll lori
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  • From ANON - HQ on November 20, 2005
    Oh if you can convince me to beta read for you? Dude, your spelling and usage of the english language are driving me nuts as usual. It's only RIGHT that I beta read for you. XD!!

    But ignoring my usual asinine insults about your writing, this is actually pretty good. I'm not shocked, a little amazed, perhaps miffed. I never would have thought of you writing sex scenes...then again, I do know how your mind works. Aw, my ickle Katie-kins is growing up into a prolific porn author...I'm so proud!!

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  • From ANON - roxierose13 on November 20, 2005
    Grr-ness!! I want a sugar cookie!! I really do, i haven't had real cookies since i was home august. Ooh, maybe i'll get my mom to make some when i go for x-mas... ANYWAY! Getting back on subject, lol, yay, new chapter! Why did Draco do that? He loves Harry, he just admitted it! God, the pride of Malfoys, will it never cease?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on November 19, 2005
    Since you asked all my questions I won't reask them! Just please tell all! Can't wait for chapter 7! More please!
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  • From ANON - Jeska Valentine on November 19, 2005
    I love it so far... keep up the good work.... if you don't get a beta i would be willing to do so for you. Did you like the 4th movie? I went to the midnight showing as well.... my friend and i were there 4 1/2 hours before the showing.... it's very popular here.
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  • From ANON - Jordan on November 17, 2005
    great story!!! a little weird to have Draco literally fucking him self, but cool all the same, I was just wondering if you got Veritas Aequitas from the movie Boondock Saints or did it just pop into your head? Please keep updating
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 17, 2005
    I love your story but please promise me that uh dear Uncle Veron has a accident or at least gets raped himself, that would funny, well only to me, I'm a freak
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  • From ANON - SyXX on November 17, 2005
    Great fic...I love the concept of the boys being in each others bodies...I hate that Dumbledore is the bad guy but it is very fitting in this story...I love the snake...And the Lupin/Sev cameo...
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  • From ANON - Sahira on November 17, 2005
    Dumble has gone nutty! Update:)
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  • From ANON - Amessis on November 17, 2005
    Well done! God I hope they can fet away from Dumbledore.
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  • From ANON - Missi on November 17, 2005
    I forget~is this mpreg? Oh, I just checked, yes. COOL!! *happy dance, hands you fruit basket as the conga line passes* Love this fic. Just FOUND this fic. Can't wait for more!! I am obsessed with fruit baskets lately......
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on November 16, 2005
    He oblivated Poppy!? Surely she kept notes! She just has to reread them! Oh please go over his file or something. Remember! What plan? What is the old man up to? Severus and Remus? Nice! I can't wait for chapter 6! I'm sooo glad they finally got together! Need more!
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  • From ANON - Aquarius on November 16, 2005
    I love your story! I really hope Harry and Draco remember everything and I hope they have a baby. Can't wait till the update! XD
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  • From ANON - Eye of Horus on November 16, 2005
    I love your story! I know you were worried about the sex scene, but don't be, you did great. I hope the boys don't forget what happened this timeF! Suspense, suspense! I can't wait till the next chapter! =D

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  • From ANON - roxierose13 on November 16, 2005
    GRRR-ness!!!!!! EVIl is Dumbledore. What the hell is he doing!? I hope Draco's not pregnant...that would be bad...anywho, update soon!
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