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Reviews for Potion Mishaps and Secrets Revealed

By : aloveablegimp
  • From soloflamelady on February 09, 2007
    more soon please
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  • From ANON - Elric Maxwell on October 22, 2006
    I just HAD to say something after the 'singing pregnancy test', it's not flames, but damn if that sent pics in my head to send chills down my spine! Then I had to laugh at the genius of it all. ^_^ If such a thing like that were real...that's better than smudgy blue/pink! EM
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  • From SlashySnitch on October 20, 2006
    Wow, so early for another review...i guess my begging worked, huh? do you feel about that proposal, hmmm?

    Slashy Snitch

    P.S. Great chapter...update soon? ::-__-;;::
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  • From SlashySnitch on October 20, 2006
    But...but.. Oh, PLEASE update... PAH-LEESE?!?!?! This is just torture! TORTURE, I TELL YOU!!! Grrr... you suck sooooo much puppy tail...(not my puppies tail, mind you...but you definately suck puppy tail. Anyway...update soon, please, because I'm going through 'Potions Mishaps and Secrets Revealed' withdrawl...

    Oh, I have a suggestion. What if... what if Harry was also pregnant? And Draco lost his baby or something? That would be a plot-twist! PAH-WEESE? It would be awesome...And it could totally work. O well, I just REALLY don't like any situation with Sub!Draco...and since Harry did bottom for Draco, he could've gotten pregnant, and then like, Draco could loose his baby because of Voldemort, after they found out that Harry was also pregnant! Wouldn't that be something? Please think about it... it sounds awesome!

    Slashy Snitch

    P.S. I have an HD story, and if you decide to take up my idea on your story, I'll take up an idea of yours on mine. Deal? Awesome =)
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  • From ANON - bgw on February 03, 2006
    Just here for the past 2 hours (yeah slow and read all 10 chapters. I like what you have written so far, please continue.

    Oh and will their friends be involved in the story, so is it just based on the characters you have included so far?
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  • From Chandrima on February 03, 2006
    ^^ I'm so happy for them! Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on February 03, 2006
    Can't wait for chapter 11! More please!
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  • From ANON - Newtype on February 02, 2006
    Sweet fic this afr only one flame to comment on THE PARTS ARE TO DANG SHORT!!!!!!! Now that I get to this part its like you totaly let it alone. ..come on chicky write more and in a hurry perferably lond and drawn out.
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  • From ANON - Obsidian Phoenix on January 30, 2006
    I am so not talking to you....I can't believe you would be that evil
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  • From ANON - The Doctors In on January 30, 2006
    Having just gotten to the fifth chapter in this story, I found that I just had to give it up. It is written a well as any other , nothing exceptional, but that is okay, they cant all be. That wont stop me from still reading a story though. Your authors notes written at random, has taken any believeablity away. By time we get to the lovemaking scene it no longer is a room with the boys I expect to have you make a personal comment at any given time, so escapeing into the story is impossible. You previews are so extensive, that one could read your whole story from them alone. The extensive response to everyone is distracting at best. These responses sometimes take a half page, that a quick thanks everyone for reviewing would well surfice. At this pace you will be having writers block by allowing yourself to be pulled back from the most important thing, which was to write a good story. The Doctor.
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  • From ANON - The Vampire Morrigan on January 29, 2006
    ACK! that's it, you've killed me, i've just fallen and died from the cliffhanger.

    what's harry going to say when he finds out about the baby? is draco going to tell him?????? eep!!!!

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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 29, 2006
    OMG! I can't wait for chapter 10! Severus killed Vernon after torturing him? WTG! Okay that was bad but he deserved it! He would set Harry up and has been doing it since Harry was 12! 12! And Petunia and Dudley too. I'm glad Harry never has to go back there again. And that cliffhanger? Oh how evil! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - bayb43 on January 29, 2006
    Oh, you evil git, leaving us with a cliffie like that! Resolve it, right now!
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  • From ANON - Lexie on January 28, 2006
    OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!!!!!! I LOVE IT SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is THE BEST harry & draco fict EVER, u rule,
    PS PLZ kill of Dumbledoor ( that evil bastard ) i dont care how u do it just make sure its bloody and i'am a
    sucker for happy endings so make it HAPPY! .lol.
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  • From ANON - xendrex on January 05, 2006
    I love this fic. I noticed you havn't updated in a while and I can't wait until you update again.
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