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Reviews for Bad Day

By : SilverDragonWings
  • From ANON - Alaina on November 23, 2005
    "Perhaps today would be a good day." I think it might be a mind blowingly good day. Probably the best either have had in a while. I love this story.
    love lots
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  • From ANON - SyXX on November 23, 2005
    I love it...From the accident to the sex...great work!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on November 22, 2005
    I so wish you'd continue this!
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  • From ANON - Chi on November 22, 2005
    At last, a long fic! I really enjoy reading long one-shots, they are my favourites!
    At first, I didn't like Harry in this ficlet, but I got used to it. I can't name the thing that didn't fit, I just didn't like the character at first.
    Draco was so cute being submissive and shy, nicely written! ^^
    The plot was truly simple, but you made it complicated. Perfect. I hope you'll keep writing, and perhaps we'll see a sequal to this one some day, eh?
    I especially loved the ending, The last scentence. this fic for sure made my day a good one!
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  • From ANON - Emmeline Vance on November 22, 2005

    This story was absoultely wonderful, and it's got to be an absolute coincidence that one of my favourite songs is called "Bad Days". Your characterisation of Hary as the dominant one rather than Draco was fantastic, and you wrote this new Draco perfectly. I teared up way before their Draco's struggle at the end (when Draco smashed Harry's BMW, actually), and flat out cried when Draco acknowledged that his car was a bomb but had personality. It's so beautiful seeing Draco as something other than the spoilt brat he was, and even more sad how he could've gone from elite to broke. It would've been absolutely humiliating to bump into his secret crush and long-time nemesis' expensive car, had Harry not been so understanding, and smitten.

    Thanks so much for this wonderful fic, and excuse me while I go get tissues. Never stop writing, and peace!

    Love, me.
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  • From ANON - Sahira on November 22, 2005
    Awwwwww...that was good and sweet:) A sequel would be nice:)
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  • From ANON - ewchy on November 22, 2005
    This is the best one shot story I've ever read!!! Please please please write a sequel or another harry/draco story!!! Keep writing

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  • From ANON - ice owl on November 22, 2005
    I adore this story. I read it awhile back on F/F and thoroughly adored it.
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