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Reviews for How To Disappear Completely

By : AppleFiend
  • From ANON - MzPearlz on May 08, 2016
    Holy crap this story was awesome. It definitely needs more reviews than it has!! You ended it perfectly although the ..14 chapter...isnt there? So I'm a little salty that it's gone.. but I loved the story and I might stalk some more stories of yours x3
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  • From Irisheather on May 20, 2012
    Dear KMuggle:At the beginning of your fic I felt very uncomfortable, so I did not want to keep reading, but I said "this will not be happening to Hermione" so I continued and I do not really regret it.It is extraordinary what you've accomplished! .
    I had never thought of such beautiful and profound dialogues that have Severus and Hermione.
    Is extraodinary how he helped her to get out of that horrible experience. Just to read as you have done this you actually win the Pulitzer. Well "my own Pulitzer." And I've always been very demanding. Thank you very much. I have cheered a bit of life.
    But also I have to tell you that you have taken years to upgrade and if I were in your readers from the beginning, I had had a heart attack with the anguish of waiting.
    I know very well that takes a LONG time so well done, but try please do not happen that way.
    Psychologically your writing is great but I think you do not know is not always after a situation like the one put to Herms, the girls are unable to become pregnant, is only a matter and has surgical solution.
    The psychological trauma is primarily, and that you already solved. So I venture to suggest that: the two-Severus & Hermione start a family and I dare to believe that what you thought you too, is not it?
    I'm so glad I find you, to be my first reading on this site and make it your first fic!.
    A big hug.GBY.See you soon.
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  • From kattniptwo on July 20, 2011
    missing chapter 14 :(
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  • From dnakagomechan on June 29, 2010
    waiting fot update. X3
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  • From Kayrox133 on June 22, 2010
    I am so glad you are picking this story again. I came across it a while back and thought it was beautiful. Thank you for sharing
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  • From dnakagomechan on June 21, 2010
    update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!update!pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I love this story.
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  • From lovestruck on June 19, 2010
    I am so happy that you decided to update this.
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  • From lovestruck on March 24, 2010
    I am looking forward to a chapter update to see what direction this is headed. Many thanks, Pris
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  • From FlorTheFlask on March 02, 2010
    I like your story very much :) I hope to read more stories written by you in future.
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  • From Kayrox133 on November 05, 2009

    I am really enjoying this story. It reminded me of my own experience. Thank you for being so open.
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  • From PnkCountess on July 23, 2009
    I must say that this story, while it has it's harsher elements, is a must read. Unlike other stories I have read, it has that touch of personality (probably due to your own experiences) that many are lacking. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more of this story.
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  • From LCGrabski on July 23, 2009
    This might be an odd review but I just wanted to say how much I love the title of your story. It's not very often that you find a really catchy title like that.

    I find that I can be a bit biased when it comes to titles because I feel that an author should spend just as much effort in creating their story as they do creating the summary and title. (All though there are those few who think of a title in a snap and make all the rest of us jealous).

    So... I merely wanted to tell you that your title was captivating enough to make me want to read your story. Very good indeed. :)
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  • From Lauriurix on July 21, 2009
    this story is interesting

    when i read the title of the last chapter i inmediately thought Depeche Mode lol

    keep updating :)
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  • From CarlaRush on July 21, 2009
    I thought this story was abandoned! I'm so glad you updated.
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  • From phoenixrhapsodyv3 on July 20, 2009
    Beautiful ending to a beautiful chapter. Thank you so much and please continue!
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