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Reviews for The Creature Within

By : heika
  • From on November 28, 2005
    Aww, great chapter.
    I'm looking forward for more
    Chow for now!
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  • From ANON - Yana on November 28, 2005
    cool chappy i love it
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  • From ANON - Midnight Fairy on November 28, 2005
    please update soon
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  • From ANON - Annie on November 28, 2005
    I really, really like this chapter. Poor Harry. Stuck between two mates that don't know the meaning of the word 'share'. Oh well where would the world be if Voldemort knew how to share? Peacefull, that's where. Anyways I really liked the interaction between Voldemort and Draco and Harry and Draco, etc. Its all very really and not very OC, if you take in the situation. Poor Harry just when he thinks he's got the upper hand Voldemort has to go and shoot him down. Once again I really like this chapter and hope your others are just as good.

    Hope your muses are good to you.

    Happy Writings.
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  • From ANON - anonymous on November 28, 2005
    Yay an update!!! Voldemort and Draco's relationship very funny. i'm glad to hear you'll be updating regularly, good chapter keep it up
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  • From ANON - screamguy on November 28, 2005
    O-o Hmmm . . . . I think you might be on to something....Draco...Voldemort....and Harry...Huh. Rather interesting this, heh. And you actually wrote Voldy along the lines he should be written as.^_^ Finally.
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  • From ANON - Pimpshit on November 28, 2005
    SWEET! I TOTALLY L.O.V.E-LOVE this story! it's one of the coolest and most unique ones i've read in a LONG time! Keep it comming! :) also u maaay want to rethink when u update...personally i have not problem with it but i dont want you to over tax yourself on the weekends! Monday to Friday is a long way a way but Friday to Monday doesn't give that much time for brainstorming for new chappy's. kay well thats all my input! love and peace out! BYE!
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  • From ANON - Storm on November 28, 2005
    Good chapter. I liked it. Can't wait for the next.
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  • From ANON - LOOK AT MY DING-A-LING-LING on November 27, 2005
    COOL!! I love how this story is turning out!!
    Keep it up and update this fridaY!
    cant wait!q

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  • From ANON - myniephoenix on November 27, 2005
    hehehehe... this is so great.... i can't wait for the next update.. this one was really good..
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  • From ANON - Monique on November 27, 2005
    This is a very interesting pairing. And I think it's quite well written for a first time fanfic. Some bits seemed a bit rushed to me though.

    and btw you are suppose to WARN people when there are spoilers for HBP
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  • From on November 27, 2005
    I like the beginning of this...
    I'm interested to see how you continue this,
    Can't wait for more
    Chow for now
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  • From ANON - myniephoenix on November 27, 2005
    that was a great first chapter.... creature!fic makes me happy...
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  • From ANON - Kayla on November 27, 2005
    I love this story. Your plot is a lot more orignal then all the other harry has a mate stories. i like how you didnt go all OOC on voldemort and draco. They are still sorta evil and I really like that.
    Please post the next chapter soon! Thanks
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  • From ANON - anonymous on November 26, 2005
    Great Job! you've got me hooked. please update soon, i know you said you will, but so do most people and then it's like months before they update, don't let this story die! very well written! scrumptious!
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