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Reviews for Tin Angel

By : AraLuna
  • From ANON - teanah on January 22, 2006
    chapter 5

    holy fucken god, that was totally good. can't believe that draco held so much self control and how hermione could not follow him back hoem and skip that party. cna't wait to see how she's gonna reciporcate to draco's actions.
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  • From ANON - teanah on January 22, 2006
    chapter 4

    hermione not coming to brunch after her break up with bill seems so realistic and true, even though her best friends are there just makes you feel for her. loved how bill was the one that stopped the barade of questions about her "new guy" and draco's fantasy in the bookstore to be so amusing. can't wait to see how the opera goes.
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  • From ANON - teanah on January 22, 2006
    chapter 3

    haha draco puking is HI-larious. can't seem to not love their weird book reference "relationship" and very much enjoy draco's pov on everything that is hermione related.
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  • From ANON - teanah on January 22, 2006
    chapter 2

    omg draco is so cute! even though he's supose to be good now i love how you still get to see his wickedness just so he can get to see hermione more. hermione is still true to her original character with her fiery attiude, can't wait to see how the *ahem* "date" goes.
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  • From ANON - teanah on January 22, 2006
    chapter 1

    the first chapter has already sucked me in. i love how thorough your research and information is with the books and chracters they discuss in the chapter. can't wait to hit the "next chapter" button and see what else is in store for these two.
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  • From ANON - UKK on January 22, 2006

    OOOOOHHH!!! I am loving you!!!!! I enjoyed this so much I went out and rented "Out of AFrica" from my library. And now...I am begging my friends to buy it for me for my birthday. I thank you for putting your little quotes in, and I can't wait to finish dinesen so I can start another, and I especially love the poem 'Body of a Woman' and the way he quotes it to Hermione- that was beautiful. So good lucka nd Ican't wait to see how the WEasley's react at breakfast, u oh?!, and if you ahve any more fluffy stuff coming my way becasue of this exposure.
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  • From ANON - draco2chexi4u on January 22, 2006
    WHY DID IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!!11111
    seriously, i come home everyday and check if your story has updated (i have u under my 'favorites')
    i love it. period,

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  • From ANON - Liz on January 21, 2006
    OH!!! Brilliant chapter!!! I love your story; I have enjoyed it from the first chapter and up until now. Brilliantly written, and yes, please more!!

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  • From ANON - *rei* on January 21, 2006
    OH MY GOD! draco and hermione has been caught! hehehe...

    another great chapter! BRILLIANT!!!
    the little lime scene was hot and sentual... as always!
    The chapter was short, but anticipation makes the story better!
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  • From ANON - lilycat on January 21, 2006
    Oops- 2 things I forgot.

    As I haven't read the reviews, my comments are not a rebuttal or anything like that, not intended to as angry defense. I only mention it because I HATE when people will complain about reviews they got (which you did NOT do) and then the angry legions of reviewers swarm the review boards in the author's 'defense.' I just want to you to know that I'm on board with your way of thinking. It's marvelous, IMO. But I'm certainly not trying to bash anyone's concrit.

    Also, you seem to be an opera fan? Are you an opera fan? Have I already asked you this? *loves opera*

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  • From ANON - lilycat on January 21, 2006
    Ara! You updated and it's my birthday! *considers this update to be a present JUST FOR ME!* ;D

    But seriously, I only have a few minutes so I can't leave my typical thesis length analysis, but WOW! Okay, first of all, your 'naughty' scenes are amazing. *melts* Seriously, unbelievably hot. I was happy for Draco. ;) He's been a good boy, deserved a little treat.

    Which brings me to my next point. When he came out and Blaise was there with the paper, I was positive that the article was going to be an expose that detailed their, er, PDA of the night before. I was so nervous! I was actually relieved when it turned out to just be outing their relationship. *breathes deeply* I can't wait for the explosions to follow! How will everyone react? Shock? Anger? Maniacal vengeance? We shall see, and I can't wait!

    Also, you expressed a worry at one point (it may have been in an email) a worry that maybe this needs more conflict. My answer is, no, I don't think so. You're doing a marvelous job with the story. It's not about some external conflict. The way you've written it, the driving force is the two of them coming together and building this entirely new relationship and dealing with the scars of the past, etc. It's my pet peeve when people throw in tons of secondary 'problems' just to create more conflict and drama. If it's not central to the plot, why is it there? I absolutely adore your story. Beautiful writing, very realistic (yet romanticized) situations and interactions- it's just gorgeous. And all (or at least the vast majority- I haven't read every review) of your hundreds of reviewers agree with me.

    Anyhow, I'm biased, I suppose, but there it is. I think you're doing a stupendous job with the story. Your updates always make my day! I've been talking you up on IM and LJ too, and everyone who's come to read has good things to say! *subliminal messaging- you must open a livejournal, must open livejournal*

    It's so fun, and I adore your writing and YOU! :D But either way, wonderful chapter!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 21, 2006
    this isn my fav sotry i love it! its hot romantic w/ just a right amount o angst! looooooooooooooove iiiiiit!
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  • From ANON - elektrik_storm on January 21, 2006
    very hpt again and i love the last few paragraphs! i really shouldn't laugh as it hurts lol! please update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - --- on January 21, 2006
    Your story just keeps getting better and better.
    Keep up the wonderful work!
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  • From ANON - curlyq2713 on January 21, 2006
    ooh, their relationship is progressing! haha, well, they're on the cover of the paper. they're dating, and happy...what do they have to hide. good chapter!

    update soon please :-)
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