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Reviews for Tin Angel

By : AraLuna
  • From ANON - moonjameskitten on January 08, 2006
    OMG ! your style in writing is absolutely unbelievable ! I enjoyed reading every part of your description, I like your chararcterization of each personnage and what an intresting idea to put Luna in the second main female character of your story! And most of all, adding references and quotes from muggle books authors put another dimension at your story, in comparison of other HP fanfictions!
    Indeed, I love my 'promenade' between the lines of each chapters of that story, and can't wait for the next ones to come. Can I be in that updates list ? so I won't miss a piece ? I would be glad to send you pictures of the Op
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  • From ANON - Kenda on January 08, 2006
    That was amazing, beautiful and very very sexy. I adorred Draco's interspersed quotations of poetry, they made the scene so sexy. I am really enjoying your story and I can't wait to read more. I loved reading more of the friendship between Hermine and Luna, but honestly that poetry scene just had me collapsing into a puddle of mush, it was so damned good. Can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - LaLa on January 08, 2006
    Very lovely indeed. Please update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Nikki on January 08, 2006
    Words can't describe how absolutely beautiful your story is. I love it. Period. I would like to be added to your email list when you add your next installments. My email is Again, I love your story. In fact it is so good, I nominated you for three categories at Dangerous Liaisons. It's gives awards to brilliant authors just like yourself due to people who vote for their favorite stories. You definitely deserve an award! Good Luck!

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  • From ANON - elektrik_storm on January 08, 2006
    incredibly hot! i personally thought it was fantastic and i loved it! please update soon! my email adrres is and i would like to be added to the list! :D
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  • From ANON - juggler on January 08, 2006
    Brilliant story - I really like it. It's well-written, has decent characterisation, a good plot line that advances at the right pace (not too fast, not too slow, good build-up) and good erotica - believable and damn sexy. It stands out from the crowd as one of the few stories that appeals to me on all levels (style, plot, characters, sex scenes). It's also great to be read something where I like the plot and don't have to (intellectually) wince at the grammar, spelling or style. Keep up the good work

    Please write more asap, I want to keep reading.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 08, 2006
    Is amazing, you are are your peak.
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  • From ANON - BananaFlavoredEskimo on January 08, 2006
    That was nothing short of amazing.

    I'm feeling quite warm at the moment.

    What a wonderful story. I'm more curious about how everyone will react once they learn of Hermione's new beau. It should surely prove to be...
    ... interesting... ^^
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  • From ANON - curlyq2713 on January 08, 2006
    woah...bill seems like an asshole. very good job! keep up the good work, update soon please :-)
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  • From ANON - Ravenfire4 on January 08, 2006
    Oh this is wonderful!! I adored this fic until you wrote chapter 5...and then I fell madly in love with it! I absolutley adore Neruda and the way you use his poetry is nothing short of heavenly. I've actually read a Alias fanfic with Syd/Sark pairing that used Neruda and I sobbed throughout most of it because the author used it beautifully as well. I can't wait for you to update so please, please add me to your list. Oh! Don't worry about your erotica, it was stellar. Like, flames were engulfing me while reading it stellar. You're doing an amazing job with the characters and I adore what you're doing with Luna. It's so easy for fanfic writers to just saddle Hermione with Ginny, which is fine and there's not a thing wrong with that, but taking a different direction and having Luna and Hermione have this great friendship is just a refreshing idea and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Thank you so much for writing this exquisite fanfiction and please update as soon as possible.

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  • From ANON - *rei* on January 08, 2006
    WOW! the chapter was GREAT! I loved the vivid descriptions of the steamy scene in the carriage. The poetry was a great touch. I love your writing! It's a refreshingly wonderful way of a Draco/Hermione story. I'm an avid reader of literature, and it's just been experience reading your work. I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Emma on January 08, 2006
    Wow. That was hot. Also, an excellent chapter in general, as expected. Please please PLEASE!!!! update again soon!
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  • From ANON - heather on January 07, 2006
    That was so amazing!!!!!!!! That definitely ranks high up among the best erotic scenes I've read so far! You are an amazing writer and this is one of my favorite stories! I can't wait for more chapters! Please keep writing!
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  • From ANON - NightQueen on January 07, 2006
    That was absolutely fabulous! Slow, hot building of tension that burst into erotic heat! A job well done if you ask me! I can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From BlackxBellax on January 07, 2006
    This was AMAZING! Don't you dare think otherwise.

    So very hot and sweet and oh *GOD* could Draco get any sexier? Reciting prose in the middle of such an act. Now... if only all men were that romantic.

    I particularly liked the allusions to Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf. Very sweet. You've captured the Hermione/Draco banter superbly. Please update soon.

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