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Reviews for Tin Angel

By : AraLuna
  • From ANON - Mish on December 21, 2005
    I love the dialogue in your fic! It's so witty and moving. I look forward to the upcoming chapters! I also love how you integrate into your fic other pieces of literature! Take your time to write! Did I mention I love this fic? I love this fic!
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  • From ANON - oetbmalfoysmom on December 21, 2005
    Once again, you've managed to write a wonderfully descriptive and entertaining chapter. I check AFF everyday hoping you've updated. I realize quality writing takes time, so I try to be patient and read other stories in the meantime, but many of them are not nearly worth half the time spent reading them. I find myself rereading the chapters in Tin Angel and enjoying them just as much as if it were the first time reading them! So, I hope your move goes smoothly and all your writing muses make the trip with you. Have a wonderful holiday.
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  • From ANON - lilycat on December 21, 2005
    It wouldn
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  • From ANON - lilycat on December 21, 2005
    I'm on chapter 2 and I'm hooked! I really ought to go to bed and NOT leave reviews when I'm sleep deprived, as they inevitably turn out to be nonsensical, but I just wanted to tell you how much I love it.

    There is this whole aura to the story, a sort of ambience. I love the flow and the language, it creates this very dreamy atmosphere. I am but a humble musician who knows very little of literature and I'm horrible at doing the analytical style reviews and putting this stuff into words. It's just beautifully worded. I really enjoy your writing style. It's so pleasant to read.

    *sigh* I'm going to keep reading because I feel certain that it will ensure pleasant dreams. It's just lovely. :-)
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  • From ANON - elektrik_storm on December 15, 2005
    love this fic! the literary names and terms dropped in makes me smile as i am a lit student... please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Jenna on December 13, 2005
    I'm not even sure why I chose to read this fic. I'm a complete slasher, normally. I guess I just wanted something different and I stumbled across this after being intrigued by a piece of Draco/Hermione fan art that I saw somewhere. I'm enchanted. I love the Draco that acknowledges his bastardly past even though he is "redeemed". The reality that we don't just change overnight is something most fic authors fail to bring to their characterizations. A lovely start -- bookmarking in hopes that there will be an update soon.
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  • From ANON - oetbmalfoysmom on December 12, 2005
    I'm absolutely loving this story. Your inclusion of great literature is terribly clever and fitting for Hermione's character. I think that stories that express Draco's thoughts are the best because we don't get much of that in the Harry Potter books. The fact that you are creating a real romance between H and D will only make their eventual act of love that much more satisfying. Also, keep Blaise and Draco interactions coming because Blaise is the perfect foil for Draco's inner thoughts. Thanks for a story that's definitely worth waiting for.
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 12, 2005
    This is so incredibly fluffy and fun and a nice change that I cannot wait for the next chapter!! Keep up the wonderful work!
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  • From ANON - JTBJAB on December 12, 2005
    Hehehe... I really do love this story! I can't wait for the next chapter.... this one was beautiful!
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  • From ANON - Donavon. on December 11, 2005
    Oh I am so enjoying your story. I love the small buildup and although it creats you a lot
    of work their verbal fencing. I have actually read the book The Wizard of Oz and had forgotten
    that the witch wore white, like the a clear moon, shining bright. Or something like that, quote out of
    memory, and it was years ago.

    If he had charmed the wine to look like water (I am not sure I understand why he would do that) surely he would
    transfigure that plastic cups into Waterford glass? Seems more like Draco's style.

    Looking forward to the next update. Best wishes,
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  • From ANON - Annah on December 11, 2005
    Just finished reading all three chapters and it's the lovely and most literate story i have ever read needless to say, I LOVE it!
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  • From ANON - Truth44 not logged in (again) on December 11, 2005
    Ah! Another wonderful cahpter. Of course, you could have said, "the date was splendid" and we all would've loved it, though, actually hearing of how things went down was really cool. I was like, "omg, omg, omg!" the whole way through. You're a marvelous writer, and your writing draws me in to a point that the only way I know that I'm at the end of a chapter is when I start reading the author's notes. lol.

    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - curlyq2713 on December 11, 2005
    there is no need for self restraint. good chapter! plleeeaaaase update soon!
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  • From ANON - kenzi on December 11, 2005
    I'd just like to also point out that I read this chapter while listening to henry mancini's "elephant walk" and then "moon river (instrumental)" and it flowed quite nicelt with the story :)
    (I accidentally reviewed above as anonymous)
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 11, 2005
    absolutely incredible update. romantic, whimsical and completely fun! I love those fun fair rides! I always used to get into trouble for turning upside down :P
    You've also left me with quite a lot of reading to do :) I'm glad that you reference all the books.
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