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Reviews for Tin Angel

By : AraLuna
  • From Kristen on June 16, 2008
    please update soon! i love this fic and the wait is killing me!
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  • From Kristen on May 02, 2008
    please update soon!
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  • From chickaboo on April 08, 2008
    You have an amazing way with words. And your knowledge of classic literature really makes for good conversation between Hermione and Draco. I've quite enjoyed it. I can't wait for more of this...please update soon!
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  • From ErisedStraehRuoy on April 08, 2008

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  • From DracosBear on April 05, 2008
    I'm really enjoying your story. Luna is a favorite of mine too. She's not as stupid as others want to make her to be. I thought my computer was going to melt during the carriage ride. ;] Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From amyfeddy on April 04, 2008
    Your story is great, it makes me want to break into a library, lock myself in and read everything on the shelves. You have a beautiful way with words, and when I'm done with school I will go to the bookstore and max out my credit cards just to experience all of the authors you have written of. I would go to the library, but that means I would have to give them back, and if the whole books are half as good as the qoutes you extracted then I will want to keep them. Thank you for playing with JKR's characters so skillfully.
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  • From nonentity on April 03, 2008
    Oh, chapter 9 wraith-->>wrath
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  • From AGMadden on April 02, 2008
    I like this story and I can't wait for more...
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  • From nonentity on March 31, 2008
    teasing her about having a wild snog with him in the opera house broom-closet

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  • From nonentity on March 31, 2008
    You finished your Ph.D.? Congratulations! Glad to see you have time to write again; I'm glad Hermione chose Draco and has been skipping the brunches. The Bill subplot is quite interesting, and I love Luna's observations. You always have such great detailing. Sneaky Slytherins, already figuring out ways to use her talents.
    Interesting that Bill thinks Hermione is plain. I should go back and reread and see if he likes Fleur as a person or just wants to shag her rotten.
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  • From lily69 on March 30, 2008
    I read this story in its entirety (to date)this evening. It is brilliant! Congratulations on graduating and the new job! I do look forward to future updates!
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  • From bananasforyou on March 30, 2008
    i loved it and want more please!
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  • From kazfeist on March 30, 2008
    Thought I'd review here, too, in an effort to persuade you to write some more. :D Lovely catch-up chapter, and I can't wait to see how Draco takes on the Gryffindors, now. :D
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  • From PotterEntourage on March 30, 2008
    Welcome Back! Congratulations on graduating, glad things are well. This chapter is great, i so missed this story, i hate i forgot about it in time for the Dramione awards, cuz this deserves a slew of awards! Gotta love old Blaisey-poos Slytherin ways, she may be a mudblood, but she can still be quite an asset huh?! I love the way you have Hermione in such a mature career, and of course Malfoy is a captain of industry! *swoon* The love scenes are deliciousy written and the characterizations are spot on! Will we ever find out what happened between Hermione and Bill, or are you leaving it to our imagination? No matter, its brilliant all around, looking forward to more!
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  • From janl on March 30, 2008
    Congratulations on all your milestones! I'm so glad to see this has been updated. I found it a few months ago and thought the direction you were taking it was really good. I'll look forward to more updates....yay!
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