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Reviews for Tin Angel

By : AraLuna
  • From ANON - keiko on January 24, 2006
    Holy Hand Grenade, so incredibly sexy! The poetry bit was divine. I would post something more detailed but now I'm all hot and bothered. ^_^
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  • From ANON - travelgal31 on January 24, 2006
    LOVED IT !!!!!!!!!! NEED MORE SOON
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  • From ANON - Aurora on January 24, 2006
    Amazing!!!! And all the information you give that does not transform in unimportant, almost boring facts, but in pieces that make up the uniqueness of the story, the river of enchantment. I just hope you continue as such. Good luck and congratulations for the awards!!!
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  • From ANON - kenzi on January 23, 2006
    once again, you have me marveling at your brilliance. wonderful chapter! :) I like dominant hermione in that scene. :P
    Hopefully everything with the Prophet, harry, and the weasley clan blows over leaving our favourite couple *mostly* unscathed.
    can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - sidney on January 23, 2006
    Wow ... I've read and/or seen film versions of nearly all of the works you've referenced. All Quiet on the Western Front was heart ... tearing.
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  • From ANON - Cappuccino on January 23, 2006
    Amazing! I do enjoy your use of Draco and Hermione's intellect as sweet nothings. Extremely HOT! Luna is an absolute delight with her water skin. Though I must admit I can't blame her. There truly must be something in that Weasley water. Anxiously awaiting the next chapter...just what will Potter and Weasley do? And will Hermione be adult enough to finally tell them to butt out?
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  • From ANON - moonjameskitten on January 23, 2006
    Awww!! you can't imagine how fast my heart beated when I received the email about your update ! I was soo excited didn't deceive me at all ! This is brilliant ! I love the way you made Hermione dareful and with the initiative of sex ! you made Draco trembling with desire and climax !! *I CAN'T take that picture off my mind!!!* thank you tank you ! Again, it is a great chapter ! Pardon me to be repetitive but...I can't wait for more ! I hope you'll update soon !

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  • From ANON - angel on January 23, 2006
    I love the story so far. I really do like how you have put qutes from movies and books into the story line it does make for a lot more intresting read. I cannot wait to read the rest of the story! I really do like what you have done with Draco and Hermione it seems fitting with their characters in my opinion. Keep up the great job I can't wait to see what happens.

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  • From ANON - Stephanie on January 23, 2006
    asdfa I'm pretty horrible at reviews, so I'd just like to say that I love this story very much. I'm going to be dead on my feet tomorrow but it was worth staying up late to read this story! I'd very much like to be on your update list so yes! Love the story!! :)
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  • From ANON - swivelchair on January 23, 2006
    Oh no! *gasps* Yep, Harry and Ron would definitely be out for Draco's blood now that that picture was out. I just hope that Hermione gets to them in time and knocks some sense into them before they go storming Draco. Kudos to another wonderfully written chapter! :) Update me when you update!
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  • From ANON - StarC on January 23, 2006
    I suck at reviews. I had to let you know that this a great story. Please, continue.
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  • From ANON - Jules on January 22, 2006

    I don't even remember who told me to check this superb story out but I am eternally grateful for the fic rec. I love the banter and emerging relationship between Hermione & Draco. it is smart, sexy and sensual. I love that you weave literary ancedotes through out your story. I can't wait to hear more about the back story of Hermione and Bill and to see it all hit the fan with this society photo.
    I like the staunch friendshp between Luna & Hermione; it's humor and deep affection are evident. Also the friendship between Draco and Blaise has a lot of potential, especially with the upcoming confrontations.
    I look forward to reading more of this story.

    Great job!!
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  • From ANON - angelathene on January 22, 2006
    you cruel woman! a bit of a cliffhanger there. i can't wait to see how hermoine's sunday brunch is going. looking forward to the chaos and wesley (& potter) rage. thanks for another excellent chapter. i always feel so cultured reading your fic since some of your allusions i know and the others i look up, so educational (don't get me wrong the snogging's nice too, very nice in fact!). keep up the good work and update as soon as possible please.
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  • From ANON - a on January 22, 2006
    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to more.
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  • From ANON - Hanna Delacour on January 22, 2006
    Kinda left us a cliffhanger there... but I'll forgive you lol! At least it wasn't the picture of them in the bushes. Wonderful chapter! Glad you've been nominated :D Update soon! And don't leave us hanging again lol!
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