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Reviews for Tin Angel

By : AraLuna
  • From ANON - Flavvi on August 27, 2015
    I know it's been years since you wrote the story, but I had the urge to review. I start saying that I like it and that it is an extremely pleasurable read. But I came across your reference to Wuthering Heights and seriously,... It was really out of place. There's no reason for her to call him Heathcliff. It seems that Draco did something Heathcliff would have done or even actually did. But knowing Heathcliff he would surely live in the big, lonely, dark house... So it doesn't really make sense.
    Plus his name is not Heathcliff Earnshaw. Just Heathcliff. It is stated more than once during the novel.
    Apart from that I really liked your story so far! Good job!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 10, 2015
    Loving it and wishing for more. All the refences make me smile.
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  • From ANON - Meg on November 22, 2014
    Pleeeeeeeease update!!!!!! I love it!!!
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  • From cgbl on August 17, 2014
    I have just come across this story and am about to check on the date of the latest update, hoping that it wasn't years ago! I have loved how well written and flowing the story is with lots of witty banter between the characters. I sincerely hope that you are still writing this and plan to update soon!
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  • From ANON - nikif on July 26, 2014
    thanks to share this .... loviliest story:) it was difficult to stop reading, my eyes nearly glue on the words...
    thanks to share your imagination with us and thanks to finish when you had time:)


    French reader
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  • From tsita on March 23, 2014
    Beautiful! Just beautiful! You had me looking up so many words that I didn't know and a books and authors!
    I really enjoyed reading your fanfic! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Good luck on your next chapter! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Victoria on August 12, 2013
    This is absolutely one of the finest Draco-Hermione love stories in all of fanfictiondom. I have followed it on another site and was hopeful that I'd find more chapters here. You write exceptionally good dialogue, blisteringly hot love scenes, and have created an all-around great story. I hope you decide to finish it someday and make all your readers happy.
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  • From ANON - bec on July 01, 2013
    I am hoping beyond hope (especially since the last update was over 3 years ago) that you still check the email associated with this story. I love it. Absolutely wonderful story. The build up is perfect. The snippets of sayings from other stories are fantastically blended into the story. Hopefully you see this and continue
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  • From Trelweny on July 30, 2012
    I love how you've integrated so much wonderful "muggle" literature into this fanfiction as well as how it has been manipulated to bring Draco and Hermione together. Both characters are very believably shifted and extrapolated from what we learn of them in canon. I'm not a fan of seeing Bill in a negative light... nor how harsh and how long the Weasleys (sans the twins of course) have been unkind to Hermione but I can deal.'s really too bad this will likely never be finished after all this time. It is quite lovely.

    Thanks so much for writing.
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  • From ariathel on October 30, 2009
    I'm so glad you updated! This story has been a favorite of mine for a while, and I've been checking back every now and then to see if it's been updated. Can't wait for more!
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  • From TerraBloodstar on April 20, 2009
    Oh wow! ::Just read through to the most recent chapter.:: This is amazing - I love their little arguments over literature, and how their love of books actually drew them together. And, I definitely agree that Draco would assuredly adore Ayn Rand's works, while Hermione would be...
    Less than enthused, shall we say?
    Please keep writing! I can't wait to see what comes next!
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  • From classsic on April 13, 2009
    Wow! So glad to see an update. I love this fic and its good to hear that you intend on finishing it.

    I really love how Luna is trying to change the Weasleys' opinions. I'm glad that Ron is noticing how much Hermione cares for Draco. I give him credit for effort!

    Can't wait for more.
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  • From alina290 on April 05, 2009
    Ara girl, thank you so much for this update. Our site is out of commission for a while I guess and I have noticed that almost all of my favorite authors from that site are posting here, at FF and GE. I keep on jumping from site to site nowadays. I cannot help it. I also keep on checking my CG, but with no luck. I am so glad the dinner seems to be helping a little. Ron really is a prat. The twins love them. Update soon please.
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  • From caseyjarryn on April 02, 2009
    Wow, amazing story!! Love all the literary references!
    Can't wait for an update!

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  • From LadyDisdain on April 01, 2009
    Tin Angel, still wondering about the name. I just wanted to say how I love your story, it is so realistic. Good job dear, continue updating ;) can't wait to read more!
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