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Reviews for Bleed Me An Ocean

By : CerberusSky
  • From ANON - --Sam-- on January 01, 2006

    Thats all that needs to be said, that was awesome...
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 01, 2006
    I'm glad they had a great time. I worry about them both being alcoholics. Can't wait for chapter 21!
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  • From ANON - JJ on January 01, 2006
    Thanks for the message, but don't worry about it in the future. When I read I tend to predict what comes next. It's something I'm trying to teach my students. I'm a little worried. Like that voice in Harry's hear, I'm worried he's becomming an alcoholic. I'm sorry if real life intrudes into the fantasy of Fan Fic, but they are wasting the chances they have to have controll over their lives when they "grow up" and leave school. Plus long-term, alcoholics make lousy lovers because they can't "get it up!" How are you going to knock some sense into those boys???? Just because Draco's dad fu**ed up his childhood doesn't mean he has to suffer the rest of his life for it! It looks like no one is taking any interest in what is happening to these two students. I would like my fantasy world to be a little less like reality, please. Is everyone too busy dealing with daily crap to see what's happening to them too???
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on January 01, 2006
    I liked this chapter and i can't wait for more
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  • From ANON - anne on January 01, 2006

    i really like this chapter and the fic in general :] it's very well written and i really like the plot.. harry and draco are so cute together! about the smut: HOT! more of that ;]
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  • From ANON - Alison on January 01, 2006
    Great chapter! Thanks for updating. =o)
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  • From ANON - ST on January 01, 2006
    Firstly I want to tell you how much i LOVE this fic! Submissive Draco is soooo HOT! HEHEHE *slaps self* ok... i'm calm...

    secondly, I hope the boys have a happy ending! i've noticed that you've kinda made draco bery weak willed meaning that he gets obsessed or addicted to things very easily, whether it be pain, alcohol or sex. I'm guessing this is because of his father mistreating him for so long and breaking his spirit. I'm also guessing that because of how much Harry loves Draco he is strongly influenced by draco's actions hence the drinking... so on this note i am absolutely begging you yo update really quickly because i am hooked! will harry become draco? will draco be able to control his addictions (it really pisses me off when people say cured! how the fuck to you cure an addiction? I used to self harm to the point where i would black out everyday, just because i haven't done that in over a year doesn't make me cured or an ex-self harmer it just means I have taken back control!-- sorry read so many fics where someone is self harming and then they magically get better and never do it again that im used to giving rewoews that say 'and now where is the flying pig?')

    Lastly, *big hugs* HAPPY NEW YEAR! *more hugs* YOU'RE A FAB WRITER, HUN! *HUGE HUG*



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  • From ANON - Tashasaphi (forgot to login) on January 01, 2006
    Happy new year to you too.

    I keep reading this fic, even though it upsets me everytime. I suppose I'm pretty straight laced in that I don;t do drugs and never have, don't self harm and see no attraction in it and only drink at most once or twice a week in a party sort of atmosphere, and I rarely get drunk. Therefore many aspects of this fic unsettle me just a little, and upset me quite a bit. It's the way you write them with such depth and honesty and background knowledge that seems to upset me more, I tinkj, and the deep sense of despondency and 'getting by by barely living' that hangs around in the atmosphere of this fic really drags you in.

    After chapter nineteen yesterday, I had to have a drink XD Well, a few actually XD

    But I keep reading this fic, even though in parts it seems heavily reliant on lyrics or petnames or sheer emo-ness which are a little offputting, because, most of the time, this is a worthwhile story to read, well written and moving and genuine.

    I hope for more, and hope for some light in the dark soon ^^ And I hope this didn;t sound like an appeal to stop writing, or a flame, because it just isn;t that at all ^^

    xx Tsx xx
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  • From ANON - Jake on January 01, 2006
    Hey! Loved the smut. It's 4 o clock in the mornin and I;m sleepy so i won't write much just please update soon!

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  • From ANON - JJ on January 01, 2006
    There's been no mention of Voldy, but with the sh** those boys are dealing with, that would be the straw that broke the camals back. A different take, to me. I know how hard, in fact almost impossible it is to overcome patterns learned or imposed while growing up, but I'm still hoping that along with all the angst being shoveled in this story, they will somehow get to turn their lives around. Sorry, but I'm a succor for happy endings and try to avoid painful ones in what I read for fun.
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on January 01, 2006
    Hermione was too pushy. But I'm happy that she came around. Happy New Year!
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  • From ANON - Aphasia on December 31, 2005
    Wonderful writings... I love the story. I know cutters and alcholics and yes, your story rings so true. At first i was a bit taken aback at how you portray Draco, i usually enjoy him being regal and elegant, but this side of him is more of a realistic portrayal of the man behind his sneering mask. Well done!
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  • From WynterRose on December 31, 2005
    another awesome chapter. so did hermione really have a change of heart?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on December 30, 2005
    I'm glad Draco talked Harry into forgiving Hermione. I do hope he is wrong. She won't betray him. I hope! *fingers crossed* Can't wait for chapter 20! He took him through the Honeyduke's passage? Interesting. Just where in Hogsmeade are they going? Need more!
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  • From ANON - Caits on December 30, 2005
    Awww, Hermione. :) I was hoping she'd come around.
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