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Reviews for Bleed Me An Ocean

By : CerberusSky
  • From TabooDesire on December 23, 2005
    Man! THAT WAS SO SAD! Seeing all of them betray him like that! Another great chapter!
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on December 23, 2005
    i didn't understand at first why draco didn't stop drinking, but now i do. and i like it that you put some realisticness into your story. it makes it more believable. very nice.
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  • From xluvugodx on December 23, 2005
    This line, "If only he had looked more closely while his eyes had roved the room in his quiet struggle, he would've noticed the footprints in the thick dust. Footprints that he would've known did not belong to him." really made me happy. It gives a mysterious feeling x3 the plot here's good and the vocabulary and speech used in it fits perfectly. Again, it gives the tale a quiet, angsty feeling. LOL
    ill shaddap and congratulate you instead, HOORAY =D
    ps: (goes off to read the next chapter)
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  • From ANON - ChasteBlush on December 23, 2005
    i totally understand that of course Draco couldnt just stop drinking, he might be able to stop cutting easier though since he didnt seem to be quite so dependant on it. i congratulate you, you have managed to capture the whole mind set without making it completly unrealistic, "Ah i want to die" sort of idiocy which some people are so fond of. Anyway, i hope hermione goes on their side, i think maybe she will be one of the first to turn back to them and get them accepted or something, but then its your story so you can do as you like. As for Ron, bad bad girl, you've actually made me hate Ron and i loved ron, look what you've done to me, very bad girl i tell you. Anyway aside from that, this is a brilliant story, please do continue, i hope you get a warm glow from this review because i dont always review but for you ... i am!!! lol!!!
    Have a bloody good christmas and dont forget us whilst you're eating turkey, unwrapping presents and everything else, miss sad girl sitting here typing will be waiting for updates from all her favorites!!! hint hint!!!

    x x x
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  • From ANON - hp_reader on December 23, 2005
    Wow - I could just FEEL the tension as they walked down the hall together. Talk about being brave; it's just sad that after all Harry, Ron and Hermoine have been thru together, R&H couldn't find it in their hearts to somehow keep an open mind. I've lost friends the same way when they couldn't accept a relationship. I'm glad to see that Snape is somewhat accepting. And I have to agree w/the other reviewer - it so nice to see Harry have the guts to tell everyone he's going to live his life for himself for a change! And you're right about sometimes having to move a plot forward w/o sex...great chapter!
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  • From ANON - venom on December 23, 2005
    love it!!!
    plus, draco makes an excellent ha!!! to everyone who thinks otherwise...
    continue, please, and happy holidays!!!
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  • From ANON - JoANNA on December 23, 2005
    Hey I have been reviewing since the first chapter and each time i have forgotten to add my name, so heres my name and review...It was great, i can't believe this fic gets better and better. I can understand why Draco keeps drinking and cant stop, not from my own personal experiences, but from someone very close to me, who couldnt stop drinking, but thankfully he now has. It breaks my heart to know and read hoe Ron and Hermione acted towards Harry, i wasnt to bothered how they treated Draco, because really after what he has done to them through out the years that is understandable, but Harry did nothing but save them on countless occassions and they turned there back on him. I am sure in later chapters they would have wished they never turned away from him. His is the one who will save the wizard world from Voldemort, but will he save those who have turned away from him?

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  • From ANON - Fefs on December 23, 2005
    Oh MY GOD.. You just gave me my christmas present with this line: "But here's some news: this is MY life, my choices and my love. Not yours. YOU DO NOT RUN ME, NOR DO YOU MAKE UP MY MIND FOR ME. This what I want. So. Piss. Off."
    Oh, i almost had an orgasm when i read that big words part!! I think you should e-mail that very line to Rowling to get her back on the track (ok.. that was mean.. but i HATED the fifth and sixth books...). Cause... well.. harry can't even breath in a diferent way that the whole wizarding world is agains him.. and he just takes it all! He doesn't say anything!! But you saved me from my agony.. Oh, i loved that line so muuuuuuuuchhhhh. I love you for giving me that!.

    This attitude from Harry is almost never seen in fanfictions.. he just sulks like he do in the books.. That's so annoying!! He is not Jesus Christ for god's sake!! Oh.. did i already say i love you?? And that i love this fic???????????
    HUGS!! And Merry Christmas. (i'll wish you a happy new year on the next review since you HAVE to update before that. Pretty please?)

    Ps: You forgot to have harry saying just one thing when Ron said "Take your bitch and never, ever speak to me again.". Harry murmured "fuck you". I swear i heard it... I think Draco heard too, you should ask him. Bye!!
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  • From ANON - Jake on December 23, 2005
    Once again you proved your talent. i hope Ron and Hermione do understand Harry and Dracos relashanship eventually. I love the taste of wiskey in someones mouth while kissing too! Well update as soon as u can! Love ya lots

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  • From ANON - hp_reader on December 22, 2005
    Well, I'm glad you didn't take the easy way out - it's not so easy to just give up drinking, even when you really want to...and Draco won't be able to until he decides to do it for himself; wanting to do it for Harry won't work in the long term...great job with this story!
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  • From ANON - Pookie_Ookie on December 22, 2005
    well I really love your story and I'm glad that Harry and Draco are together... ^ - ^ can't wait for the next chappie!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on December 22, 2005
    Really great chapter. Actually i'm happy that Draco is not cured at all, cause that would be unlogical. And this Harry is so strong minded. I'm proud of him.. Please update soon, ok? This fic is one of the best!!
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  • From TabooDesire on December 22, 2005
    HOT! Whiskey kisses! If only he smoked. Whisky kisses and smoke!
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 22, 2005
    oh this gets better....oh i wonder what everyine will think when they see them together...Snape will hopefully faint into his potions
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  • From ANON - lilith on December 22, 2005
    I know you wrote there is no cure for Dracos drinking, but I still think they should see Mme. Pomfrey or at least a healer who doesn't know them (perhaps in Hogsmeade). Did Draco ever treat his wounds against infection? I wondered if there was something against the physical addiction (like in reality alcoholics are given in clinic therapy to flush their system), because at this point of the addiction Draco wont be able to stop even if he wanted to. The mental addiction will still be there, of course.
    I have to admit that I don't really understand alcoholism, because alcohol does nothing for me exept giving me a headache - but I think you describe Dracos thoughts and feelings very well. A friend of mine is a social worker who works a lot with alcohol addicts, so I know a bit (especially about how difficult therapy is. I don't think I could do her job, personally, there are just to many disappointments when the people she worked very hard with have relapses (and most do)).
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