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Reviews for Bleed Me An Ocean

By : CerberusSky
  • From TabooDesire on January 06, 2006
    Awww. This chapter was sad! But I can't wait for them to *ahem* 'take a walk'. IN PUBLIC!
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  • From ANON - Charming on January 06, 2006
    I would like the say that you are doing a really good job with putting emotions into words. Not many people can do that and still keep a creative edge where even though you may cringe you can't stop reading. Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Batmanda on January 06, 2006
    I absolutely fucking LOVE this story. your doing such a great job, dont listen to any of those jerks who send you flames. I think the angst fits well with the time period of their lives. teenaged years. the fact that your bringing your personal experinces into the story depicts that its, well, personal. and the story means somthing to you which helps it out even more. i get lost in the words when i read it. a sighn of a good reader is when you can read their story, and not see the words, you know what i mean? like, you feel a part of the story. the details are great. as much as i love this story i have some "constructive critisism" for you. XD bear with me though, it just a few pointers. when you call them by "his boyfriend" it seems a bit cliched. it just doesnt sound right. but i do like the fact that you call drace "the blonde". it makes me smile XD. alson, in the beggining, the first time harry saw draco cut himself, i think you mentioned somthing about carpet in the old classroom. but then the dust on the bare floor. it didnt make any sense. i dont know if i wasnt paying attention and he was somewhere else, but i am confused on that peice. there were a few other minor technical things, that i dont quite remeber too. but other than those little things, i'm loving this story, and i can't waqit fo the next chapter!!!
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  • From ANON - erotic*choas on January 05, 2006
    Love this fic! I can't help but sucked into it, it's strangely believable. keep it going!
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  • From ANON - songbird on January 05, 2006
    Seems like I had a point by wondering about Draco's very sudden cure from the cutting. I have to say, that I've been waiting for something like that for some time now.
    I wondet how long it will take until Draco says something about Harry's dinking... We'll see.
    Bye, biride
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  • From ANON - Jake on January 04, 2006
    Hey, wonderful. I really like this chapter...and I even like that Draco is worrying about Harrys' drinking. I know that if I could stop my bad habbits I would. def. cutting. My boyfriend caught me doing it again in the shower lastnight and he got in and started to clean the cutts on my chest and told me he already new that just because I never took my shirt off while we, ya know, he wouldn't find out. I started to cry and your story popped in my head. He loves me and I know that now. This chapter ,makes me think of last night. I am really going to try and stop this time.

    Well update asap. I love this story!

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  • From ANON - Kira on January 04, 2006
    I'm thoroughly enjoying your fic, sorry for not reveiwing soner but usually I'm reading this between college papers. I can't wait until you finish the fic and all the same i dread the end. I could complain about a thousand and one things and the only one I can think about concerning your fic is.... I need to know what happens! poor Draco, Poor harry, I never did like Ron... red haired weasle. please up date soon.
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  • From ANON - saraoix on January 04, 2006
    I think that your story is really good. Go on with it!
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  • From ANON - :D on January 04, 2006
    I just have to say that i love your work! This fanfic is one of the best i've ever read.
    Keep up the good work and keep update!
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  • From ANON - Caits on January 04, 2006
    Umm. This chapter really hit home for me. I've been on both sides of this situation, cutter and healer, and... I can't say I LIKED this chapter at all. Beautifully written, fantastically played out - but really, what's there to like about self-destruction?

    That being said, I'm absolutely looking forward to more. I love your writing style and I'm anxious to see where this is leading!
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  • From ANON - Sarah Louise on January 03, 2006
    I fucking love this story! you are truely gifted. The story is so detailed and i can only imagine that its from personal experience which is kind of sad to think about actually. Sorry about that. Anyways... Im a sucker for angsty stories. In truth when i read them, i feel better about my own problems. So i tend to enjoy reading them and in doing so i come to appreciate the author knowing that most angst stories come from real cases... for that i am truly sorry. No one should have to have pain... *sigh* but alas we all must have and in turn deal with it... Now i leave you by saying Keep up the good work! i cant wait for more!
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  • From ANON - ST on January 03, 2006
    I really want to slap some sense into harry.. can i? *Huggles draco* *slaps harry* *runs off happy*





    (would write more but it's like 2am here -_- i think my eyes are dieing... can eyes die?)
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  • From ANON - Maria on January 03, 2006
    I'm not sure I like your story, it's well written and so very realistic, but its also very sad. I hope Harry and Draco can get out of their addiction. Perhaps Hermione can help them? I wonder why none of the teachers is trying to help them, I mean, they are quite obvious and even if Dumbledore doesn't really care for Harry he depends on him because of the war. Also, McGonagall seems to care about him very much. I'm a bit upset about the way they are dealing with their addiction, neither of them does really want to stop. But that's the nature of the thing, I guess. Don't they realise how they ruin their lives? Perhaps Hermione can talk some sense into them, but she probably will be afraid that Harry will become angry at her again. Its really a vicous circle. Its all the more sad that they both have good reasons for drinking (especially Draco), and neither has an incentive to deal with their problems in another way. Harry should have, his parents who loved him, for once, and his friends (exept Ron, Ron really is an idiot). I wonder if you could bring Hagrid into this. I think Hagrid really does care about Harry, and in book one there were some hints that he drank himself. He obviously isn't a drunk later in the books, so perhaps you could make him an example for one who sucessfully overcame his addiction (in canon he can't be addicted, because he happily drinks with Slughorn and Harry in book six, even if Draco says so in book one)? Also there are the twins, and Molly - they obviously have no idea whats going on, but Harry should care about what they think about him.

    Draco sadly seems to have noone who cares about him except Harry, and vice versa. I'm a bit disappointed about the way he lets Harry become drunk, even if he knows what its doing to him. I know he doesn't want to be hypocritical, but thats nonesense. Draco knows that he is addicted, its like an illness, even if he brought it on him himself. You wouldn't want an illness on someone you care about. I wished Draco would overcome his pride and try to stop Harry. Because it is pride. Even if he knows he is addicted, he doesn't admit that he has no free will in what he is doing, so he drags Harry along with him with the excuse that stopping him would be hypocritical. He should have warned Harry and stopped him while he was still able to stop.

    Anyway, that I thought so much about your characters shows how good your story is. But I hope you'll keep your promise and write a true happy ending.

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  • From ANON - Alison on January 03, 2006
    Sparkly socks? Cool! I want some! =o) Draco's drinking story was a good bit. Is he going to tell Harry why he started cutting?
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  • From ANON - cyn on January 03, 2006
    just a quickie...loved it
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