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Reviews for After Hogwarts: A New Evil Emerges

By : AmericanStreetWitch
  • From ANON - Tolias on February 11, 2006
    Y'know thats the first decent non-smut story I've ever read in aff.So that's definately good for you ;) .. It does get a little corny,but only in a few places and thats negligible ..
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  • From ANON - Lin on January 26, 2006
    Is there anyway you could make the font smaller or change something to where there is no side scrolling?
    I would like to read the fic but sidescrolling drives me nuts.
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  • From ANON - Emmie on January 19, 2006
    Hello! I'm glad you put up two chapters this time! I've been waiting. This is such a great story. But I think I know who Sascha is and all I can say is "WHY? How could you!?!" no! I think I know but I don't want that. well, I'll keep reading no matter what tho. you write and I'll read. one thing tho, try to make the chappies longer if you can!
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  • From ANON - Cat Feral on January 12, 2006
    Wow! You're off to a flying start on this! I got caught up right away in the fates of Lucius and Narcissa (both of whom must have been getting on some in years, if this is thirty years later. I tried to picture Narcissa in her sixties and failed.)

    Harry giving them the option of witness protection but without wands so they can't curse anyone was a good idea. It gives the feeling of an intelligent leader and... what's the word I want? Administrator? Anyway, it sounds like a good compromise, given the Malfoy history.

    I hope we'll learn why the villains call each other by the names of animals. When I first read "Fox" I found myself wondering if this was going to be a "Gargoyles" crossover.

    I'm interested in the adult versions of all our old favorite characters. I've got to admit, when I first read your description of Harry's wife, (mainly the hair) my first thought was "Mary Sue!", but I'll have to get to know her better before I judge.

    I'm looking forward to Chapter Two! Onward!
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  • From ANON - Emmie on January 06, 2006
    Hello there! I love this story. It is sooo good. I always thought that someday there would be anther dark lord! yay for you! Anywho, its a good story, but your use of names are a little unoriginal.. James is fine b/c everyone knows Harry would name his son that. But Draca, tha's a little too much.. being a Malfoy would be just fine. Also, Regina is too much like Ronald, in girl form. I must say tho that Lorena is one of my favorite names. But I didn't know from the rest of the story that Hermione had a daughter. Is Hermione married? Can we find out more about Hermione and Lorena? I like how you've got them all seemingly friends.. but please don't make the ones in Slytherin get all evil and annoying with the Gryffindor ones! Great story, and if you keep writing like this you will go far! Bye! Update soon!
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