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Reviews for Chronicles of Allesandra Quartermaine

By : AmericanStreetWitch
  • From PattyWilliams on February 05, 2006
    Kudos. I liked the cliff-hanger on this one. I haven't read or seen any of the Harry Potter books or movies, so I don't know the characters in this story; but, I was able to follow the action here, so that is a plus for non-Harry fans.
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  • From PattyWilliams on February 05, 2006
    Another strong chapter in imagery and I see your style emerging. Again, the only suggestion is grammatical--you may want to get a beta-reader for those things. Sometimes it is hard to see when you are too close to a fic; if you use a program like MSWord, it will catch things like transposed letters and missed spaces in between sentences, etc. I think that writting fanfic will be a great exercise for doing your own original fiction. Keep it going!
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  • From ANON - Numenora on February 05, 2006
    The first chapter starts off very strong with vivid imagery and very good characterization; the only thing I would suggest is that you watch out for the typos and verb tense (these are some problems that I have, too). The typos may just be the system here that sometimes changes things like line spacing. Great start--I'm on to chapter 2.
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