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Reviews for Gela Temporem

By : MrsTaraYuyMaxwell
  • From ANON - rukia isaioi on September 29, 2014
    1: yes. 2: yes; lupin, james, or luscious. No1 decades yunger or older. 3: i would hav liked mor details @ the end 2ward how he went 2 the checkup, if he used polijuice or a spell, were he got the name from, and the place he cast the freeze spell. As 4 questions; will the 'father' make any mor appearancees??? Thats all. I honestly like the plot & execution of this story & hope u update it plz. Thank u

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  • From ApetureScience on June 10, 2012
    You should deffinatly continue this story. The plots amazing and so is the way you've written it.
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  • From Hadriannais on January 13, 2010
    I really enjoyed the story so far. Please continue it, I can't wait for more chapters.
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  • From kawaiiyashie on April 06, 2008
    mmm you should continue it. make it a harry and snape fic. since it is harry who unfreezes the baby it should be him that becomes its other daddy the plot is really good and you should continue it.
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  • From bloodyrose2310 on April 06, 2008
    this was really interesting and i'd like to see more of it
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  • From KyonaKopper on April 02, 2008
    Well, to be's a wonderful beginning! :3 Definitely a new take on the mpreg scene, and that's saying something. Yaoi/slash is the way to go! but I'm just saying that because I am obsessed. *cough* But even if you were to make this a het fic, I'd continue to read.
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  • From chinohana on February 15, 2008
    Constructive criticism, eh? Ok, let's see: the wrtiing is good, direct and interesting, but you sound like you want to hurry up with what you're writing to get to the really important stuff. it's like the proloque is nothing but /necessary/, like you /have to/ write it. even if it might be so, at least pretend like you wnat to pull this part of the story to the length.

    well, anyways, i can hardly wait for the main story!
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  • From missnykoongawa on January 24, 2008
    1. I do think you should complete the story.

    2. I think a decent pairing between remus and Snape or another male dominating character.

    3. I honestly believe that this will develop into as great as story like 'the wolf's lifemate' Iwould love to see events in snape's life that happen akwardly because of the hormonal rebalancing. and wouldn't be insteresting at what point the child 'accidently' becomes unfrozen. You can have the male that would be paired off with snape walk in on the unfreee moment and a odd flashback things that happen that wasn't mentioned in the prolouge surface.

    This story has so much potentail. Please don't let it go to waste
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  • From redcrusader on November 22, 2007
    I loved your fic! YES continue it, and DEFINITELY include yaoi. I am of the Severus/James Potter fandom, but I guess for this time-line, perhaps some Snupin would suffice? (Snape/Lupin) If you're really up for a challenge, perhaps you might want to try a (very rare!) Sirius Black/Severus Snape fic. You could do all sorts of dramatic things with them. I LOVE the concept for this idea, also. I got into MPregs within the past couple years and it's rarely that I find an enjoyable fic. Cheers!

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  • From Utopia on October 03, 2007
    I am incredibly curious as to this fic. There doesn't have to be M/M intercourse; just because its on, doesn't mean there HAS to bee nookie - just themes that aren't suitable for under 18s.

    I am a Biology student, and cryogenics is something one of my lecturers at uni is really into - he's actually attempting something similar to that spell for plants! (what a coincidence?! lol). Embryos are frozen in IVF and then they can be thawed out and 'put back'. A crude explanation, but I've been in lectures ALL day (9 to 5).

    I'd personally, really like to see where this story goes. It is incredibly unique and shows a side of Snape we don't normally see, his attitude to the 'bump' was utterly adorable; where does the angst and anger come from? Is it because the bond grows and he can't actually do anything about it due to his position in the school and being a Death Eater?

    Please continue this. Even if its just for a handful of readers. I'll certainly be checking back with it!

    Kind Regards,
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 29, 2007
    YES CONTINUE AND YES YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and how bout sirious/severus??? hmm? hmm???

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  • From maxoune on March 20, 2007
    i love your prologue and am waiting for the next one. so if all you need to continue is reviews that make one more^^
    sorry for my english but i'm french and don't speak fluently^^
    i would like to read this story 'til its end...
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  • From gldnlqr on February 26, 2007
    1)Yes! Contine! Please!
    2)Yaoi would be good. I would suggest either: Harry, Remus or Lucius. Reasons: Remus because he became a professor in Harry's third year. Lucius cause he and Sev seemed to uh...'hang out' more after Draco joined school. Hehe...and thirdly, Harry (which is most logical to me) because he would be there, there wouldn't be any past issues except maybe the 'You hate my dad' thing. PLUS! Both Sev and Harry seem to want a family. Harry would be an adopted daddy sort of thing! (Sorry. Snarry fan, here. :blushes: )
    3)You have a good plotline. Very origional. Nice grammer and spelling (Though that may be your beta, heh) You didn't rush anything. Good discriptions all around. (Making up that guy was funny. I wanan see what Sev is gonna do to him in the long run. :evil ideas: ) Some of the stuff confused me, though. It seemed to jump around a bit while you were explaining the rape/blackmail. Like you were trying to aviod acually writing about it. After that, it makes alot more sense. You might want to do something so that people know Severus is reading out of a book, though, because that confused me a bit.
    Ah. Yeah. So.


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  • From ANON - Lici on November 21, 2006
    Yes! Continue! I would love to hear/see more. But I am sorry about the Beta thing. I am not the best to do such. Sorry.
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  • From ANON - ff on October 30, 2006
    love the story so far. i like the way you portray snape so far and i would very much like for this to be yaoi. the pairing you ask? i don't know, maybe kingsley(hopeful smile) or one of the weasleys. also, would really like to know why the spell hurt snape so bad and what happens after he wakes or if he is found by another(posssibly James):)
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