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Reviews for Right Or Wrong

By : MrsTaraYuyMaxwell
  • From bloodyrose2310 on April 06, 2008
    it rocked now update
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  • From pontaloon on August 19, 2007
    the bed scene with neville, fred and george was sooooo cute. a super kodac moment and god! do i love Madam Pomfrey for what she did!!!
    ok i reviewed, so pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase continue the story!!!
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  • From soloflamelady on January 30, 2007
    I would love to see more of this update soon please
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  • From ANON - Update or else! on August 16, 2006
    You don't want to know what the or else is so don't ask. What the hell do you mean you won' t update. Hell yeah you are. Because I wanna know what happens. And if you don't update I'll die. And kill barty or I will. Damn Bastard. And because of you I like the twins now. XD XD XD
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  • From ANON - liam on August 01, 2006
    that was silly. don't put in that stuff about them coming out. ugh. it ruined the whole story.
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  • From ANON - Sesshy's Dark Angel on July 10, 2006
    AWWWW! I love it! It's so sweet...I've never seen this pairing before-Neville George and Fred I mean-Fred and George I've read. Great so far-can't wait for more!
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