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Reviews for Not Fair

By : Raincloud
  • From ANON - Jessifer on November 30, 2006
    Neh...I like the concept of this story a lot... it ever going to be updated again? :(
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  • From ANON - Serenity J. on July 15, 2006

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  • From ANON - HPlover on February 13, 2006
    You better write another chpater, because I'm deeply in love with this story. Good job and update soon.
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  • From ANON - jenn on February 13, 2006
    yes, i really loved this chapter, it explained a lot and now i am definitely going to keep up with it, i just can't wait to see how things turn out
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  • From KiraFeles on February 04, 2006
    I am pleased to note that during reading this my breath is bated, my heart beat is loud in my ears. I thoroughly enjoyed his chapter, it helps you connect the two characters, put together the broken pieces of the old and put together some thign new, I await your next chapter.
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  • From ANON - cassie on February 02, 2006
    What a beautiful start, I love your characterizations and the whole scenario is original. I like the Ron/Draco pairing but have only found a couple of R/D fics that appeal and I think your fic is going to be one of them. Looking forward to the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - Lilliputian722 on February 01, 2006
    Love the start to this....hope you update soon.
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  • From ANON - May on February 01, 2006
    Yes it answers my question. (I asked about happy ending because I once started reading a story and in the last chapter the main character died, so a happy ending would be if draco and ron end up together and alive ^_^).
    This chapter is even better than the first :) Update again soon.
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  • From ANON - The_Priestess00 on February 01, 2006
    heh, love your story:) write more:) i really like ron/draco parring but they are far to little to find:(
    bad harry [hits him with HP book pack] bad!

    p.s.sorry for bad english:) i don't come from english language country. i come from poland:) pretty country by the way it is
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  • From ANON - Natacha on February 01, 2006
    I sooooo want to read the next chapter!!! Haa!
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  • From ANON - jenn on January 28, 2006
    wow...dramatic, sucks to be draco right now...but i definitely like the idea of ron saving draco and the two falling for each other. i seriously like stories where harry is the bad guy, it's all so different and cool in comparison to most of the stuff
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  • From ANON - May on January 24, 2006
    after one chapter it's hard to tell if it's good. I think it's interesting :D could you tell me if there will be a happy ending? ^_^
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