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Reviews for Lucid Consequences

By : DeityOfDeath
  • From ANON - miku on September 25, 2006
    This s brilliant! Well done! Can't wait to see how Harry is going to juggle kids and a job. xx
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  • From ANON - RentaiKitten on September 23, 2006
    Harry defiles Draco's shoes - that's rich! Love it! Sorry I haven't been keeping tabs on this one - last time I had checked, there were only three chapters for the longest time, then BOOM! there are 20+. Glad to see it! Now - back to the story....
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  • From ANON - angel on September 20, 2006
    wow that was great i love it .. please please please update soon i would love to read more ... later for now

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  • From ANON - Anon on September 20, 2006
    umm.. i thought harry wasnt a hemaphrodite but at the beginning of the giving birth chapter you said he was... it just confused me...
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  • From ANON - Miss missed on September 05, 2006
    Plez update this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - RentaiKitten on September 04, 2006
    so happy that you are working on this one! Yeah! Looking forward to more - is it Snape's? Malfoy's? Voldemort's...Triplets and all three? eagerly awaiting more ................
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  • From ANON - chibi on September 04, 2006
    this is one story i continue to look forward to reading each and evry time a new chapter is added. keep up the good work, and may i suggest... twins perhaps? one each to lucius and severus? just a thought
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  • From ANON - Child of the Darkened Moon on August 18, 2006
    Not quite my cup of tea if you know what I mean... but I won't lie I'm entranced. I like yaoi/slash but those three... strange... although you pull it off splendously. I really must applaud you and if you are ever in need of a beta... I offer my humble services.
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  • From ANON - Jennifer on August 03, 2006
    Excellent story! I hope you are able to update soon. Please notify me when you do.
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  • From ANON - Emma on February 15, 2006
    Eeeeep!!!! OMG :O So, painfully evil.... So morbid and dark... And yet... So... ADDICTIVE!!! Like drugs!!! They can kill you, and yet you can't help but BEG for more

    [begs like a six-year-old Dudley]

    PLEASE!!!! I wish for MORE Harry Drugs!!!!
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  • From ANON - JJ on February 06, 2006
    I'm not much on rape scenes, but I liked the way you smoothed Lucius and Snape in there. Hopefully after another rape scene, you will develop their relationships to somehow muddle Harry through. Thanks for sharing!!
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  • From ANON - Cay on February 06, 2006
    I really like this story so far. It's got an interesting twist. Please continue to update...I await the next chappy eagerly.
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  • From ANON - angel on February 05, 2006
    wow ... lucius is with the order and now harry could be pregnant with severus or lucius baby (or both) lord moldy pants think he is going to get him pregnant ... man please please please update soon i would love to read more ... later for now

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  • From swirly on February 05, 2006
    I'm liking this fic so far. I'm glad that there was a way for Harry to get out of having Voldie's baby. (WOW both Snape and Lucius) Can't wait for more. ^.^~
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  • From ANON - angel on February 04, 2006
    man poor harry .. please update soon i would love to read that will happen next .. later for now

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