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Reviews for Lucid Consequences

By : DeityOfDeath
  • From crazyforkakashi on January 17, 2008
    This is a wonderful fic and can only hope that you will someday add another chapter.Thanks for sharing.
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  • From soloflamelady on January 14, 2008
    I can't wait to read more I just love this story and though I haven't reviewed (I lost this story for awhile) I think this is awesome
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  • From Jicky on December 01, 2007
    despite my previous uncertainty to read this story cuz of the LV/HP
    i started reading this story and caught up to ch25
    must say i like the story, n can't wait for the rest of it
    althou i didn't find their trip to Japan quite as complementary to the story, i like the plot around Sev Lucius n Harry, and i enjoy reading Draco too
    good luck with the rest of the story =)
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  • From anniea on November 04, 2007
    wow this is really really really good. please update soon *kisses*
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  • From KaeXLi on October 01, 2007
    love please update soon im also reading your cape of storms story *cool!!* but am loving lucius consequences update onegaishimasu
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  • From chantalmalfoy on August 20, 2007
    Wow! what a great 25 chapters! I have one of those boring jobs where there's nothing to do for hours and no computer... (I sell jewlrey). But I handwrite while I am at work and type it up later. :) Great fic. I hope you find time to finish it.
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  • From rugbygal on May 31, 2007
    Once again, Great plot line, great characterizations, just all around great. Now I'm just sad that it isn't finished. PLEASE FINISH!!!! I can't wait to read more. You are a really good writer. I don't normally like this pairing of the three. I usually only do two, but apparently you just really know how to write it. COngrats on a great story.
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  • From catysmom1028 on February 08, 2007
    I hope your going to update this story soon. I would love to read more.
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  • From soloflamelady on January 26, 2007
    Oh please update soon I just love all the love and babies. Thanks for the reading hours.
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  • From Squallsama on January 25, 2007
    Oh, I've finally found this fic again! I saw it like, a year ago and then I just found it a few weeks ago and I read through it as fast as I could and now I can't wait for the next chapter! *pouts* But I've noticed that you haven't updated for like 4 months.... >.< Are you going to be adding more chapters again? It would be ver sad if you didn't. I really love this fic and I LOVE the pairings, your fic has actually made me like Lucius more! *laughs* Anyway, I really love your fic and I hope you continue with it. ^_~
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  • From ANON - jade on November 28, 2006
    I just finished the third chapter. I wanted to say that the idea is interesting, as are the events in the story, but the way you keep switching between present and past tense is distracting. So are the run-on sentences. It seems like the action is just glossed over, no detail, because it's all in one sentence. Anyway, keep writing and practicing, because you really do have good ideas.
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  • From ANON - Honey on November 22, 2006
    i love it
    hope the next one is a girl and they name it Sakura (cherry blossom)
    any way im watching to see when you update next ^_^

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  • From ANON - telvia on November 19, 2006
    What a lovely concept. I realy can't wait to see who the father is. And I love how you write Harry. Superb, great job for your first fic.
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  • From ANON - greenwizard on November 01, 2006
    Ok, I'm at chapter 20 now. I'm a little confused about something though. Towards the beginning Charlie is with Fleur then he's with Draco.... I remember that because in the book Bill is engaged to Fleur.
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  • From ANON - greenwizard on October 19, 2006
    I wanted to drop a quick note to say I'm enjoying your story. I don't normally go for first person, but this one intrigued me. I noticed a few spelling problems and a few places where words were missing. Other than that, great job!
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