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Reviews for Dance with the Devil

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Miki on June 02, 2006
    I was pleasantly surprised by this story. Quite engrossing. I like that no one is perfect, and most are very much in character.

    Looking forward to your updates.
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on June 02, 2006
    Lovely to have you back, doll!!! Poor Minerva!!! She's been through so much! It's good to see Severus taking care of her and Hermione. Completely understandable about his sudden lack of snark. Fatigue can be a real bitch! But, as you said, I'm sure "Lord Snarky" will be returning in full form soon!!! Hope all your internet problems are runnin' smooth and it'd be great to see an update soon! Happy writing, dear!!! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Hugs and kisses,
    Killer K :)
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  • From ANON - magicalheather on May 30, 2006
    I liked seeing a little oververt OCCness in Snape. As long as it doesnt become a habit, for this story anyway. The chapter was worth the wait. And I cant wait for another.
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  • From kateridemonica on May 29, 2006
    you are amazing. for the first time in months i have been captivated by a story. i have always been a fan of hg/ss stories, and the marriage law challenge(MLC) was a brilliant challenge that birthed many good stories. i almost didnt read this fic because many of the off shoots from the MLC, where people used the general idea but modified it to thier own wishes, were poorly done and were written only because the author didn't or couldn't to stay within the bounds of the challenge. but, i decided to give it a try and was blow away. you have created a true AU. you how a command of language that seems to be lacking in many other stories, making it enjoyable to read your works rather than tiresome and repetitive. it's really quite refreshing.
    i love the details, i love the description. i love the vocabulary. you've crafted a brilliant story.
    keep it coming.

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  • From ANON - Anon on May 29, 2006
    It is truly amazing, i love it and i can not wait for teh next chapter! Please hurry or i might die!
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 29, 2006
    It is truly amazing, i love it and i can not wait for teh next chapter! Please hurry or i might die!
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  • From ANON - Koryn on May 29, 2006
    I read this! Don't stop! I check back daily for updates. Let's face it... I'm hooked on this story. Le sigh. I think you're doing a fantastic job. Just imagining having to deal with all of those crazy Weasleys... Ahhhh! Keep writing, I'm loving it.
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  • From ANON - aleja221 on May 22, 2006
    this rocked I love. please write more soon i cant wait to see what will happen next.
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  • From ANON - Kiwi on May 16, 2006
    Wow..... like totally.... WOW!! Have I mentioned that I think you're BLOODY BRILLIANT????? .... wow.... you are going to continue RIGHT?? *holds up fist*
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  • From ANON - Fiona on May 07, 2006

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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on May 02, 2006
    I'll always love ya, babe!!! Wow, an angry Snape- not to be trifled with!!! Hopefully all the meddlers well get the message- leave his Hermione alone!!! I love the twists and the depth you write into your stories! Bravo, doll, keep up the great work!!! Happy writing, dearie! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Hugs and sloppy kisses,
    Killer K :)
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  • From ANON - Koryn on May 02, 2006
    I am absolutely loving this story. It's my new obsession. I think about what has happened in the plot, and what is going to happen, all the time. I find myself checking back for updates several times a day, even though I know there won't be anything new. This story is brilliant and I can't wait for more. You're doing an excellent job. I am notoriously picky about what I read, so when I told my boyfriend that I had found a story, he commented, "Wow, it must be really good." And it is! Keep going, you have an amazing talent. This story is refreshingly original.
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on May 01, 2006
    Haha, yes I love it! Tonks is pregnant, Ron is angry, Snape is Snapey and Draco is snarky. *explodes* Just pure fun this chapter, it's almost like an interlude, almost. And I can't wait to see the Weasly's retaliation against being cut off, I mean, if the spell is still affecting them, and since Ron is all disturbed lol, I can see them being driven to do someting drastic.

    Poor George, putting up with Draco's unententional abuse. I kinda wonder what kind of relationship they have, if Draco is the pampering romantic type, or his usual self.

    I feel sorry for Hermione, being surrounded by all those people she 'abandoned', in such a horrible situation. GAH, more please! *holds out plate expectantly*
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  • From ANON - Estella on May 01, 2006
    I don't really think that rule works on such websites as these.

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  • From ANON - Moyra on May 01, 2006
    The Weasleys are under a curse by Persy? That explains a lot! Thankfully they are not as daft as the seemed to be before!
    But Draco is! Why has he to spill out that Hermione is pregnant???
    Looking forward to your next update
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