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Reviews for Dance with the Devil

By : JCB
  • From ANON - mary on April 21, 2006
    Hey! Its me medina from the other website. I meant to say that this chapter was really, really good! Loved the beginning of the chapter and her finding out they were having the same dream. Can't wait to see Severus' reaction when he finds out he's going to be a daddy! Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Fiona on April 20, 2006
    But seriously...


    You're a genius.

    I miss my beloved Ron...

    THERE'S NO HERMIONE/RON SMUT HERE! I may sound like an idiot... but I really want someone to fix that. I lauighed at the Draco/George thing too. That was cute.

    More sooooon.
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  • From ANON - glowing_haven on April 20, 2006
    NO...NO...NO...don't leve me hanging there...UPDATE...UPDATE...UPDATE...
    I have to know where this is heading or won't be able to sleep tonight...
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  • From ANON - Fiona on April 19, 2006
    Dear LORD this is top quality smut!

    I love it. DEARLY. And I can't WAIT for the next chapter.

    Hurry! My happiness depends on it!
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  • From ANON - beeky63 on April 19, 2006
    Whew! You had me worried there when Rudolphus showed up, but Severus got it sorted. LOl. Great story, I'm on my knees begging for more, Lol. Toodles.
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  • From ANON - Kiwi on April 19, 2006
    ARGH!!! *shakes author by shoulders* You posted chapter 13 twice and here I thought there would be some answers.... I will DIE if you do not update soon... I L O V E D the story... Never stop writing... ok - maybe complete this story but then start a new - as per order of the Kiwi-ness
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  • From ANON - MudBlood Malfoy on April 18, 2006
    He HE HE Off to the haven we go can wait to find out what happens. I do hope you plan on writing more fics after this one
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  • From magicalheather999 on April 18, 2006
    That was an amazing update. I hope that he doesnt break her heart. You posted Chapter 14 twice. Cant wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on April 18, 2006
    Holy crap, this story rox my sox!

    I'm sorry I haven't reviewed much*embarrased cough*, but I've been away, and I had to read all the chapters posted before I reviewd, because it is just too good to stop reading for more than 5 seconds.

    Hmmm, where to begin? Except that I LOVE DRACO!!!! One, you didn't kill him, although your did give me a fright when you mentioned Fenrir ^^;.
    Two, he's such a smarmy bastard, I love it! But I wonder if Lucius is evil, if he is then this means there must be some serious mixed up emotions in poor Draco. Oh well, I'm sure George will comfort him. Draco/George, so cute!

    Snape snape snape snape, what is there to say? You write the best most enjoyable to read Snape in any fanfiction I have read this far, I just can't get enough of him, he's emotionaly unstable, he's sarcastic, he's sneaky, and he's horny baby!

    -His eyes opened slowly and a sleepy smile crossed his lips.
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  • From ANON - beeky63 on April 18, 2006
    I love this story. It is dark and dangerous and well written. But OMG what is going to happend now that Rudolphus knows that Severus is up to something. Please update soon. Toodles.
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  • From ANON - MudBlood Malfoy on April 18, 2006
    What is to happen next !!!!!!!!! I Know Ginny get her head cut off be a magical flying shoe hmmm what do you think, it's insane gold.

    Please update SOON
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  • From ANON - anon on April 18, 2006
    wierd story... doesnt make any sense at all. and u're cetainly into torture right?
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  • From ANON - magical heather on April 17, 2006
    OHH that is an evil cliffy...but now Snape isnt going to want tell her anymore and they were being so sweet and learning about each other and I cant wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Jaden Snape on April 17, 2006
    That was just cruel. Add more soon please.
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  • From ANON - shmoe on April 17, 2006
    This is awesome. I should have updated my own fic tonight but I got caught up in yours and I was so disapointed when I ran out of chapters. You should have more reviews then 5 so far! The fic is bloody awesome!
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