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Reviews for Torn - Repost

By : Ravenkiss2000
  • From ANON - Lina on December 09, 2006
    PLEASE LET SEVERUS PICK HAGRID!!!! I love HAGRID, and giants need love!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Aires on November 10, 2006
    oh...i was abit suprised.just abit though.when reading through the story and harry's 'friend' suddenly appered.i had a guess that harry had lost his mind.was suprised it was sirius...dont know why though.who else would harry re-create in his mind?well maybe james.very sad that it was all harry. :(
    will harry be making any more apperences from time to time?
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  • From ANON - Aires on November 10, 2006
    this is so sweet. :)
    i do like hagrid..but....i really want sev to get it on with remus.god...hagrid is half giant how massive his cock must be.lmao
    sev would be torn in 2.....
    but...please write more soon.
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  • From ANON - Lina on October 08, 2006
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  • From ANON - Ethan on August 08, 2006
    Yeah, so he's definitely not a figment of Harry's imagination...but Harry is a little dumb. That's pretty much Canon Harry, though. Everything improved a lot since the first few chapters...
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  • From ANON - Ethan on August 08, 2006
    I have a feeling that Harry's "friend" Is a multiple personality or something. Also, the parts when it goes to Harry's POV are a little too obvious and oversimplified. Othe than that, well done.
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  • From ANON - Kelly on August 08, 2006
    I love this story. The hagrid VS Remus thing is very interesting, I can't wait to see what happens next. I kind of hope Severus sticks with Hagrid because he needs someone gentle and patient and not dominant and posessive like Remus. However, whatever you decide will be awsome, so keep writing.
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  • From ANON - l'etje on August 08, 2006
    very very good keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - thing 1 on August 05, 2006
    Oh, goodee! An update! This jealousy thing between Hagrid and Remus is getting really out of hand but I have a feeling it will only get worse! I really enjoy your fics and I hope you update this one real soon.
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  • From ANON - trustingfrndshp on August 05, 2006
    Glad to see this fic reposted; I'm rooting for Remus; look forward to more:-)
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  • From grugster on June 22, 2006
    Wow that is a really great story! I absolutly love it! I'm sorry to hear about your RL-problems and hope that you will be okay in some time! I'm looking forward to a new chapter but take the time you will need! Bye Sunny
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  • From ANON - BabyBlueRowen on June 19, 2006
    I love this. I hope everything in your life gets better. I'm really curious as to who was doing that stuff to Sev, McNair? Though he doesn't seem smart enough... I actually hope Sev gets with Hagrid in the end, but no matter what the outcome is i adore this. E-mail me when you continue this.
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  • From ANON - l\'etje on May 01, 2006
    this was very very good but can't you find a way to heal harry, that he can surpress the evil black part.
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - Marleen on April 30, 2006
    Sorry to hear about you RL-problems. Hope it will turn out okay.

    In the meanwhile I'm very glad about the repost. This is quite an intense story. My compliments
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  • From ANON - DrawFire on April 29, 2006
    I was *so* happy when I saw this story! I literally started cheering and bouncing around... I still love it and I like how you have Remus being all protective... ^_^ Hope it's a Snupin fic, but I really wouldn't mind how this turned out... Great work and I'll be back when the next chapter's posted!

    - DF
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