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Reviews for The Dance of Eros

By : GatorBoy
  • From ANON - shawna on June 16, 2006
    aww they made up!! ^-^ cant wait for the next chpAter....... off to work, unfortuanly!!! ill be waiting for the nect chapter!
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  • From ANON - Shawna on June 15, 2006
    wow...... Harry solo...... *nosebleed* yea! now all we need is to have it really happen!!! ^-^
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  • From ANON - Shawna on June 14, 2006
    omg!!!!!! *pulls out a Ron blow up dummy* I can't believe..... *blows the dummy up* he didn't even say a thing to poor Harry...... *pulls out a bat* I can't believe he walked away!! Who does that???? *starts hitting the Ron dummy violently* If he doesn't fix this soon, I'll do this to the real Ron! *cries with Harry* PLEASE WRITE MORE!!! you can't leave me hanging like that!!!!!!!! I am going to sit right here and wait for the next update!!!! hmmph!
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  • From ANON - Shawna on June 14, 2006
    wwo... i liked it so far...... just a little slow, but i dont care! off to read the next chappie!
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