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Reviews for Surpressed Moments

By : kestrel5
  • From ANON - yamiskoi on June 19, 2006
    Hiya sweetie. This was one of the coolest bday presents I got!! Okays, so I was there, thinking of naughty things, and then you fufilled those naughty thoughts... In the form of my fave HP pairing!!! :P I really liked how you described everything. Was this your first lemon? It was a very good attempt. :) I lubb it to pieces and I can't thank you enough for writing it. I'm gonna draw to the best of my ability, when I get around to it...

    *Hugs* Thank you so much. *Hugs* I especially liked the intro ' he coudl have a wank whenever he pleased', and I liked how you expressed people's feelings. Well written.

    THANK YOU!!!

    X ~ yamiskoi ~ X
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