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Reviews for Daddy, look what I found!

By : sybersnake
  • From ANON - Axel on September 14, 2006
    I like this story it starts out with him small thats cute. hhe can't wait till your next update.

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  • From ANON - Elizabeth on September 06, 2006
    I like this version too!!! Are you going to contiue it?
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  • From ANON - toads on September 02, 2006
    awesome , i like your story
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  • From ANON - l'etje on September 01, 2006
    this was very very good
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - angel on August 25, 2006
    wow that was great .. i love it and im happy to see sev take in harry .. hmm how old is harry ??? .. please please please update soon i would love to read more .. later for now

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  • From ANON - yoblosssom on August 25, 2006
    I relaly like where this is going! I can't wait until you post another chapter. I think that Severus will make a great Surroget (sp?) father for Harry, the poor boy. Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Ravynsword on August 25, 2006
    I've been reading both this and "A New Hope". I am intrigued by both perspectives and am looking forward to the direction you may take this in. Hopefully you will be able to continue this soon.
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  • From ANON - Athena on August 09, 2006
    Umm...? Where did chapter 2 go?
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  • From ANON - angel on August 08, 2006
    man ... i hope snape can help harry out and i hope snape can find out what harry is hidding .. please please please please update soon i would love to read more .. later for now

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  • From ANON - Jennifer on August 03, 2006
    Excellent beginning! I don't know if you are planning to continue this, but if you do, could you notify me when you update?
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 12, 2006
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 06, 2006
    This kind of looks like a one shot, heck, it could stand on its own, but please, please tell me there's more. It was so cute!
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  • From ANON - angel on July 02, 2006
    awww that was cute .. i hope there is more ... please please .. later for now

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  • From ANON - sw on June 21, 2006
    Interesting. Will there be more?
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