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Reviews for Daddy, look what I found!

By : sybersnake
  • From ANON - gem on March 19, 2016
    hi. I really like this story. will there be more chapters in the future?
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  • From ANON - serinianfire on July 11, 2015
    Great so far! I like it.
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  • From keraizaki on May 12, 2010
    Wow! I really like this story ^^ I wonder were your going to take it. A story you might like is Hopes and Wishes by She Who Must Be Obeyed ( Write more soon Please XD


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  • From ANON - kirigirl on December 07, 2008
    will this be updated soon? I really like it!
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  • From SassyThing on June 25, 2007
    This is a VERY intersting start to this story. I hope to read more. Great stuff!!!! :)
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  • From cathiemac on February 21, 2007
    I agree with eroburn.
    Ancient beginnings is a pedantic twat!
    AU or no, this story is really good and I like it better than the alternate story New Hope.
    Update soon, we need more of the Snape family cuteness!
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  • From eroburn on January 20, 2007
    Ancient Beginnings
    for the love of a good plot do be quiet. if you wish to read harry potter please do so:)
    and leave AU for the rest of us.
    you're presumptious and rather mean.
    but as far as i am aware it does not state sev's age in any of the books, nor when he was born. just because some site has some info the author wrote or a timeline does not mean anyone has to use it.
    if you want total factual fiction please go somewhere else.
    insulting someone when their story is really good is just pathedic.
    i happen to love this story and it is obviously AU.
    there are lots of those stories out there.
    are you going to flame them all?
    heaven forbid.

    now that i am throughly disgusted after reading your post. i shall go back to my original post.

    love your story. would love an update on it. there is a delete button for reviews such as the one above mine.
    feel free to use it if you feel so inclined. updates make me happy. i think this is a great story so far:)

    Your loyal fan,

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  • From ANON - Ancient Beginnings on December 07, 2006
    This fanfic, unlike most, does not follow the books at all. It involves a fantasy plot, fairytale storyline, and completely ruins the character of one of the most foul people Hogwarts has ever had the pleasure of calling its student.
    The grammer and spelling are horrible, as well as the idea that Snape, even when young and foolish, would ever, ever, adopt Harry Potter. Not only does this fanfic not follow the books, it doesn't even follow the timeline of Snape and Potter. Harry James Potter, born 1980; Severus Snape, born 1958. When Harry was born, Snape was 22. Being 23 when his 'son' found Harry, the boy, much less the son, because it was said they were around the same age, wouldn't have been able to talk or much less understand what "adopt" means.
    Snape, while not so well off, would have enough to support himself with, because he kept employed. He was hired by Hogwarts in 1981 as Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House.
    Please. Follow at least the timeline before writing a ficcy. You don't have to follow the books-the best ones don't-but they also don't ruin a characters personality, they merely twist it in a fashion that, from the characters original personality, can be expected.
    All information garnered from either the books directly, or from, which has been recognized by J.K. Rowling herself as one of the most accurate sites to go to.
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 12, 2006
    aww sev made harry famliy by blood ... i love how sev played with the and he gave the kids chors .. that was great please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update soon i would love to read more ..later for now

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  • From ANON - Kate on October 08, 2006
    This story is great. Are you going to continue?
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  • From ANON - isabel on September 24, 2006
    u spelled veela wrong its veela not vela....but the story is really good.
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  • From ANON - Quichi on September 23, 2006
    Im glad you're finally continuing this! Great start, Im eager to read more!
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  • From ANON - angel on September 17, 2006
    wow that was great ...aww he is soo sweet .... but he should not beat him self up for what happen in the past ... i hope he can sell his book ... please please please update soon i would love to read more ... late for now

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  • From ANON - l'etje on September 17, 2006
    very very good chapter
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From willowtree16 on September 17, 2006
    That was Great! I hope that you update soon.
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