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Reviews for I Love You, Melancholy

By : tentainokn
  • From ANON - Starscream'sGirl on September 14, 2006
    MORE!!!!!! write more please!!!! i love this pairings its my favorite! I've been looking forever for marcus/oliver pairings!
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  • From ANON - Katie on July 24, 2006
    How sad. Geese, Oliver is a jerk. But so is Marcus. ::Sigh:: What an odd couple, but God do they suit each other!
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  • From ANON - LizardLady on July 24, 2006
    *wipestearsaway* sad.... and beautiful written.
    I love it.....

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  • From ANON - Katie on July 19, 2006
    Is that it? I hope not!!! Update soon please! I think they are SOOO cute together.
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  • From ANON - LizardLady on July 19, 2006
    More ??? More, more, more more, more ????
    Please !!!!
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  • From ANON - LizardLady on July 19, 2006 I get what I want, too ???
    I want another Chapter !!!!!!
    Prettyplease !!!!!!!!!
    This story is so damn hot..... I think I need another shower right now....
    I really love your story ...and especially Higgs..... *grrrrrrr...*
    More, please ???
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  • From ANON - Katie on July 18, 2006
    YAY!! Posessive Marcus afraid of his feelings is just utterly adorable! Update soon please!
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  • From ANON - LizardLady on July 18, 2006
    Oh my god.........
    I.... I`m speechless....
    I love your stories so, so, so, so, soooooooo much !!!!! Please, please, please, please write more !!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Katie on July 17, 2006
    YES! Fight in the Quidditch locker room- classic beginning of hot sex scene that will lead to, hopefully, a very hot relationship between our fave Hogwarts boys!!! Hurry please!!! Oh, and CelestialChaos, you write the BEST Marcus/Oliver stories, I just wish you'd write sequels (say to your other fics, maybe Simple Moves???), but that is of no consquence, update soon please!
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