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Reviews for Gay Aurors

By : psychocatblah
  • From ANON - cheddar on July 15, 2006
    I like this fic. Though it teetars on a PWP seriously. I do hope that unnecessary although convenient excuses for sex called 'job related copulating' does end eventually. It has already gotten old. I thought your first chapter was very funny, but when you start turning everyone solution to getting a Magical based Auror job done, I start to yawn, sigh and become exasperated.

    It be nice(R) if they just had angry sex or no sex at all and a bunch of sexual tension. The whore sex was a bit over the top, particularly if you have already been 'made'. Yah, at that point it is decidedly uncessary, and time to either make a retreat or follow the guy rather than let him walk away becuase you are already really INTO your john/whore- role play game. And on top of that just as no one expected them to have sex to get out of the cave it can be equally deducted that having sex with 'johns' just to get a list of suspects or tabs on 'important' and dangerous wizards (but make no arrests or clever assassinations) is also equally pointless.

    Most likely if it wasn't apart of the work you signed up to do (especially in Draco's case as they REALLY wanted him because of his MAGICAL talents and education) then you don't have to do it to get the job done. Sex is the easy way out in the end. The more difficult yet intelligent thing would be to use that hard earned magic skill to fake it or simply use it to get the job done sans the whoreing qualities that yes, even a whore can do.

    I like your Draco, though I think your Harry is a bit stupid. Still I think you are doing your character a disservice by always boiling every job he does to his arse hole. Shame that. BTW did Harry even hit the prostate the first time? You think he would at least tried to seek that key pleasure point out. And why didn't Harry just demand to keep 'snowball'?

    I do think that everyone's assumption was a brilliant cover story but I would like to know more about Draco's tears.

    Point. If Draco is really as powerful and skilled as everyone thinks he is and Harry included then the 'do the man/john/me(Harry)' solution to every situation is obviously uncessary, unrealistic, and silly. Draco is wizard world born living and breathing regular magic as well as some dark magic, a slytherin, cunning and etc.. to boot, and base sex soltuions is your final answer? I hope not.

    You have been doing a pretty good job but you can still do better.

    say cheese
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 15, 2006
    Yey i was sooo hoping u would have updated by this mourning and you had! woo:D
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  • From ANON - roxierose13 on July 14, 2006
    hmm... i've seen this on THF but haven't read it. I read the first chappie! ;) Definitely a crack!fic. never read one of those past the first few lines. But you've actually managed to make it a little less crack and more believable. I loved the kitten... in a tree... in a cave... lol. priceless. so what will Harry do? and Ron is an asshole! sorry, just had to say that ;) i'll read more later :)
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  • From ANON - Anyanka on July 14, 2006
    OMG!! I loved it. You're updating sonn, right? because I can't wait
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 14, 2006
    wow this looks like a promising fiction.. I hope you updte soon
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  • From ANON - Alison on July 14, 2006
    Great story so far!!! Will it continue?? I hope so!

    Also, please put your JKR owns this message so the story doesn't go bye bye... we wouldn't want that!!!

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