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Reviews for Nympho's and Doctors

By : lostinthought
  • From ANON - Baby Giggles at on January 02, 2007
    Didn't understan it one bit... Harry's playing in a movie of some thing... telling some kind of a shrink about his sexual life and nympho-ways... ??????????????? WHAT!

    please explain this further... other than me not understading anything, it's a good story

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  • From ANON - missianne on July 28, 2006
    I love you. *drools at fic*
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  • From ANON - harry-draco on July 15, 2006
    hi there,
    a really interesting story, especially the idea with the movie.
    I like it
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  • From ANON - Serenity J. on July 15, 2006
    ok...WTF!!! THAT was hilarious...I absolutely LOVE the ending, and the fic was more than just enojoyable it was freaking awesome!!!
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