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Reviews for Silver Silence

By : Merle
  • From Sannashi on July 27, 2010
    Pleas write more. I love the story.

    Kizzez and hugzz
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  • From loretta537 on April 25, 2009
    this is a great story, please update it soon
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 06, 2008
    nice, i really like this story, please update soon! :)
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  • From toads70 on June 01, 2007
    please update
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  • From BloodyWolf on March 21, 2007
    his looks really good! It IS really good! Please update soon! And when you do can you please e-mail me with the link?! PPPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!!!!
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  • From ANON - april on November 23, 2006
    please update please.
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  • From ANON - Ladybug452000 on November 13, 2006
    Brilliant cant wait till your next update!~!!!!
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  • From ANON - Jo on October 24, 2006
    Whew...Severus and Lucius give me the chills. Can't wait to see what they do. Poor Harry...Good beginning, hope to see more.
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  • From ANON - Shadow on October 09, 2006
    wow it's actually neat to see Lucius act like that in the story. You retained his natural personality I can scatterly said I can picture Lucius saying those lines. Same goes with Snape. It's pretty good how you make it kind of evulsive on which side that both snape and lucius is on. Of course both are not on Dumbledore's side. I can see this is a bash dumbldore story. Dumbledore is too old for taking care of children's needes especially who to take care of them. Look what happened to Harry and his relative. Protected from volide for a time being but not protected from his so called family. Idots.
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  • From ANON - Ruth on September 23, 2006
    May Lucius and Severus torture Vernon for days in the most painful way they know. Love the story, and would love more!
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  • From ANON - skydreamer22 on August 29, 2006
    fucking awesome story. I really hope that you continue it, you've done a really good job so far. I'm gonna e-mail you in hopes of harrasing you into writting more. PLEASE!
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  • From ANON - purrfus on August 20, 2006
    Yeah! Since I never cared for Dumbledore any story showing him in a bad light appeals to me, but this one is good even without that. Can't wait for more!
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  • From LunaSimi on August 16, 2006
    Love this story and i just can't wait to read more !

    Tigeress =^_^=
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  • From ANON - Adnexus on August 12, 2006
    Of course I
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  • From ANON - missianne on July 28, 2006
    I like this, and can't wait for the next chapter!!
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