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Reviews for Letters and Memories

By : Nina85
  • From ANON - firewall on August 09, 2006
    After reading your author notes and seeing your request for reviews, I thought I would take the time to review for you.

    It's very important for you to respect your readers by putting forth your very best effort. I firmly think you believe you are doing this but there is room for improvement. Your spelling is don't even spell the main characters' names properly or you often omit capital letters at the beginning of them. Your paragraphing is awkward at times and the flow choppy. These are all things that a good beta would help you.

    BUT things are not all negative. Your story shows potential and I think show in your writing that you could develop it slowly and with greater detail. I certainly don't want to discourage you and I hope you continue to write your story. Take your time and find a good beta. I'm looking forward to your next chapter.
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  • From ANON - slouchyduck on August 09, 2006
    You are misspelling the names of half the characters and towns. You also need to take the time to expand the story and go into more detail. The story jumps from topic to topic with no continuity and is hard to understand. I'm not meaning to offend you. Your plot is good and the story has potential, but you need to do some revising. A beta would also be a very good idea.
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  • From ANON - anon on August 09, 2006
    You misspelled Hermione and Voldemort's names. Story has potential, but needs work.
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