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Reviews for Letters and Memories

By : Nina85
  • From ANON - TiffANY on December 29, 2006
    Nina, I can
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  • From ANON - Sarah on December 28, 2006
    I'm so confused. What happened to the part of the chapter where they had sex? Did you not write that?
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  • From ANON - gaby on December 27, 2006
    this is such a really cool story!!!! I've just finished reading the last chapter and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen. Though I'm not really into the really romantic stories yours definately makes the exception. keep on writing!!!
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  • From ANON - anodominic on December 27, 2006
    Concerning chapter two, I'm starting to wonder if Ron has been drugged. That whole bit at Gringotts was confusing, or maybe I'm just an idiot?
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  • From ANON - anodominic on December 27, 2006
    Good for Ginny! Why should she listen to Harry? She's only a year younger and does have a personal score to settle with Voldemort for using her as a first year.
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  • From ANON - TiffANY on December 26, 2006
    Nina, I completely agree with you

    This chapter is completely out of character for Hermione

    But not Draco because when would he ever turn getting some down : )

    I think it was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to early for this to happen

    I though he was going to get a thank you kiss off Hermione, then she would go back to being shy around him and he would continue chasing her in this chapter

    Then in the next chapter he would corner her and get some more kisses

    Then in the next chapter a few more kisses

    But basically step-by-step

    Not just her jumping into bed with him

    And the sex scene was too technical it wasn
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  • From ANON - silos on December 22, 2006
    Wow~!! Great story...Read all chapters in one go..Brilliant..Just continue.
    I love the plot line.
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  • From ANON - Rose on December 15, 2006
    please update soon, i like how you explained Draco's past cruelty to hermione, i'm enjoying this story and i can't wait to read the next chapter
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  • From ANON - lisa on December 10, 2006
    Wow. Poor Hermione. I am surprised he didnt touch her. and Poor boys. locked away and unable to escape. Tonks was just doing what was best. they could get killed. I hope they understand but apparently not. And woot woot. Draco. He's so awesome. He waltzed in, saved Hermione and in the end Hermione bested Lucius . He should really love that when he comes round. Unless he comes round before they get to him. Ohh dear, I fear an escape. maybe mabye not. Cant wait to see!!! More more more please. Please upate soon.
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  • From ANON - TiffANY on December 09, 2006
    FANTASTIC chapter Nina!

    I can't wait to read more so UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!

    Love TiffANY : )

    : D

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  • From ANON - lisa on November 22, 2006
    Ohhh dear Lucius has screwed all their plans up. Poor Hermione. At least he hasnt touched her. Thats a fate worse than beating. I cant wait to see Draco and Harry and Ron rush into the rescue. and c ant wait to see Lucius get his. Its a bit dark but still awesome chappie. more more more please. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - lisa on November 16, 2006
    Awww thanks. and I can't wait for chappie 8. wow a long work day. hope you dont get too worn downm. it's hard. but Rl never stops lol. goodluck and as always I will be awaiting.
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  • From ANON - Cappuccino on November 10, 2006
    Another great chapter! Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - lisa on November 09, 2006
    wow getting closer. That Draco always good for sheer entertainment. Love it. more please. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - TiffANY on November 09, 2006
    Nina Nina Nina

    FANTASTIC chapter!

    I can wait to read more

    I love the end; I can
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