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Reviews for In the Jungle

By : roxierose13
  • From ANON - The Ultimate Otaku on March 22, 2007
    In the Jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps toonight..and that lion is Blaise. *smirk* YUM. Oh god, a Ron/Blaise fic! Thank you so much for emailing me to tell that you have written a Ron/Blaise fic! I loved it! I am definitely planning to reread this when I am not stuck in the living room with my parents and a water filter guy. Gah, it wasn't half as hot with them in the room. Please write more wit this pairing! I think it has potential. It would be different from Ron/Draco because Blaise is perhaps kinder than Draco, and he has his own personal traits that are different from Draco.

    I would have liked this fic more if it had had less of MRs. Weasley and more of Blaise and Ron. But it was funny how Ron chose to tell her, and i liked that you made this have a plot. Plots can be rare on AFF. Especially with rare pairings like this, which may have been written experimentally.

    Again, thank you so much for writing this! I enjoyed it very much. Ron in the hot outfit is a nice picture, too. Sorry for my bad typing; my computer is not working properly today.

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  • From ANON - Koiikura on October 07, 2006
    I really do love this story! I always did wonder who Ron would be with if he was gay; usually I would think of Harry or Draco, but those two definitely belong together. I never thought of Blaise tho . It was a hilarious story, through Mrs. Weaseleys eyes . She was quite funny.again, I loved it!
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  • From ANON - Panda!~ on August 08, 2006
    Oh dear... That was spledid. Couldn't have done better than myself. That was just... *shudder* I LOVED IT. There should be more of this pairing. I mean it! Well... I like Blaise/anybody and Ron/anybody, but still! Please write more. I want a mom like Mrs. Weasely...
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  • From ANON - Mistress Vamp on August 07, 2006
    I liked:) ::MV::
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  • From ANON - talley67 on August 06, 2006
    First Ron and Blaise pairing I've read. I enjoyed Ron's nervousness with his mother. So Ron. Also, loved the club look he sported especially the eyeliner.
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