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Reviews for Good Intentions

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - qwerty on March 05, 2008
    Very interesting story. Very original. Keep going!
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  • From darrena on January 09, 2008
    I absolutely adored this last 2 chapters. Though I must say it was really a coincidence I read them. I have you on alert on forever fandom, but there you haven't updated after the 3rd chapter :(.
    Anyway, now I know to look for updated on this site.
    Love this story!!!
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  • From vanessaclarke on November 29, 2007
    Holy freakin' crap... You're one hell of a planner. This is one of the most in-depth plots I've ever stumbled upon. I myself have little patience for research, so I can't help but be awed by the lengths you've gone to here. You've made this so much your own that I almost want to take it out of the HP section and put it in the Originals. Of course you can't 'really' do that, for obvious reasons. It does often make me forget that connection though. The tone is really consistent. This constant air of mystery and intrigue kept me glued to it until I'd finished all six chapters in one sitting.

    The background with the fiend is puzzling, I'm left wondering if the Harry/Anastas character can technically be said to 'exist' anymore. It's hard to wrap your brain around it you know? He's like this sad patch-job of real and fabricated memories and characteristics and lingering goals. Goals which don't quite fit in with the situation anymore. I'm anxiously waiting now to see how he reacts to the change in Voldemort's situation in this world.

    Anyway I'll stop rambling at you for now. What I really want to say is, you're doing an absolutely 'brilliant' job with this. I really hope to see a conclusion someday (not to pressure you or anything. Take your time, by all means) because something this good deserves to be seen to the end.
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  • From ANON - dreamer44 on November 11, 2007
    um.. I love you? I love this story. I love your writing. I hardly never read chapter stories that aren't finished but I gave this one a shot and fell in love. I'm holding my breath to see what happens. As to side pairings... At this point I would be thrilled with any pairings. :) Sirius and James sounds good for starters though.
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  • From anniea on November 11, 2007
    update soon *kisses*
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  • From ANON - chineseartist on November 06, 2007
    yes! you're posting again! i've been waiting anxiously and i can't wait to see what else crops up soon! keep up the excellent work!
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  • From Demonicone on November 04, 2007
    Awesome as usual. I can't wait until Lucius final does something in regards to his attraction for Anastas. I thought Lucius' jealousy of the other suiters was exellent, although I felt bad for Severus. XD

    What exactly is the details of the Amello Clause? Did you explain already and I just missed it?

    Just for clarification, is there going to be mpreg in this story eventually? The men in this story have the ability but are you going to have it happen to Anastas? I know this question seems random because he is not even in a relationship yet but I was just wondering.
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  • From Sagenwarrior on November 04, 2007
    great new chapter! I really loved it. Got a question though, Harry gets to pick who he marries right, thats not the families decision?
    Hope to see a new fantastic chapter in the future! Keep up the good work! Oh i love the twist with the fiend.....
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  • From Tamura on July 21, 2007
    ah, well, that answers that. i was evaluating who i thought had the best chance at winning Anastas based on character, knowledge, plans, etc, and i narrowed it down to Voldemort and Tancred. That's a moot point now, isn't it?! since they're the same person and all! at least i got my characters figured out right. excellent chapter. take your time with the 5th chapter and i look forward to reading more intrigue.
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  • From romanticfae on July 05, 2007
    what a wonderful story u write so nicely and have such wonderful long chapters thank u for sharing this
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  • From ANON - Simone on June 25, 2007
    Very nice. I like your story alot and will be checking regularily for updates. It reminds me of the black jewels trilogy from Anne Bishop.

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  • From wraithmaster777 on June 24, 2007
    This is such a fantastic story! If I could write half as well as you I would be thrilled. I'm amazed at the level of depth and complexity you've give Harry as a character. The other characters are all well thought out as well. The situations and descriptions never sund trite or over used. Over al this is a story that I will wait with baited breath for the continuation of.
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  • From ANON - wover30 on May 05, 2007
    I love this story! the characters are great, I love all their personalities. I love the names (ex. Evaristo)! I really like the story line and the way you are witting this story, too often I find alternate universe stories not well written! Keep up the wonderful work and the brilliant writting per usual! great job!


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  • From ANON - Eaivalefay on April 10, 2007
    Delightful chapter and story (I reread the entire thing in one night... :D ), which is frankly no surprise. Every time I read anything by you I become once again blown away by the intricacies of the plot and your sheer talent.

    I desparately want to exlaim how I need more, but I'll refrain. I don't want this to be an "OMG, MORE" review, because it really isn't meant to be. Plus, I know how stressing such reviews can be!

    But this is truly excellent. I am completely enamoured of Anastas, like everyone in the story is (or will be shortly I imagine). I can not wait for dear Voldie to meet Anastas. How can he know there is something not quite right about him and at the same time believe he'll be able to manipulate Anastad? Well, yes, Voldemort is the most confident (okay, read: arrogant) villians out there. Hehehe I just... Ha! It will be hilarious (and frustrating) when they meet. Frustrating, because I am always dying for them to enter a relationship, and I know it will be a long wait, which is *good*--the waiting is half the fun, right?--but the romantic in me... :D

    I always seem to end up rambling at you. Especially when it comes to your stories. I just can't help myself. I have three favorite authors in fandom, and you're one of them.

    Speaking of rambling about the story... I keep worrying that this courtship process Anastas has been pulled into... He thinks he won't have to marry anyone, but I'm paranoid and keep thinking there's some magically binding contract in the process that says he will have to. Please tell me I'm wrong! (And this thread has just reminded me of Lucius, who makes me laugh, because he's so determined to get Anastas and Anastas isn't exactly the most cooperative person, let alone when it comes to matters of marriage.) Plus, I am completely madly curious about what aspects his harpy nature adds to everything. Does he have a mate (or two)? Do harpies mate?

    And then there's all of the political intrigue and Anastas' plans! I imagine his plans won't go according to, well...plan. *grin* And then his "brother", who and what was that?! And when does he appear, and why--does anything specific bring him about, or does he randomly check in on/pester Anastas, urging him to succumb to him? And how and/or why does (would) Anastas succumb to him anyway? ...are my questions even making sense?

    Will anything be done with Hogwarts and its' wards/protection later? First Dumbledore mutters something about a protection of Hogwarts having never been tested before, and then Anastas inadvertently strengthens them... I was just wondering if that will come into play later. And then there is Dumbledore and what part he'll play, if any. (And what Voldemort found out in his research of old Families, if anything.)

    Right. I have a ton more questions. I think I've rambled enough about them already though. As awlays, you don't need to answer. I just wanted to express how much I am enjoying things and apparently extensive rambling is the only way I could do that. ;)
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  • From volleygirl on April 07, 2007
    MAGNIFICENT!!!! Another great start to another great story. I love reading your work because you obviously put a lot of effort, research, and description into the facts that make your characters truly wonderful to read. You have a wonderful imagination as I have yet to ever come across another story that even hints at the individuality of yours. Keep up the great work!

    Thanks for writing,
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