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Reviews for Good Intentions

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - **LiGhTNiNjR8** on March 20, 2007
    hey ur story rocks keep up the good work...its one of the better stories i've read on this site.
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  • From ANON - esther jolie on March 16, 2007
    I really like you story but I wonder how are you going to par Lucius with Astarus when he is interested in others who could help him with his plans and I really hope that that story will end with somewat good ending
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 16, 2007
    I'm impressed and hooked. It's obvious that you're putting a lot of work in the story, I look forward to you next posting.
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  • From darrena on March 13, 2007
    I absolutely love this story. Brilliant chapter. I like very much the way you write :)
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  • From ANON - frozenrose on March 08, 2007
    Hey, didn't mean to stress you out. Just love your story. I do hope that you continue with this story because it is oh so wonderful ^_^
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  • From ANON - lena on March 05, 2007
    This was probably the best chapter by far in my opinion. It wasn't too long so as to feel like I'm reading a book in one go but it was long enough to keep me from fidgeting and give me a chance to warm my hands up rather than have them dithering and hovering over the mouse and keyboard. I like your time flow to this chapter, enough happens but it doesn't feel crammed or waffle-like, it feels very natural. I should perhaps like to see more of what Anastas went through with Odysseus but for all I know you may have plans to do that in flashback.
    All in all an excellent, well-rounded chapter.
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  • From ANON - Gy on March 04, 2007
    Hey, I saw your story a couple of times online but never read it till this time. Cos I only read stories that have a certain number of words. And I must say I am glad to have click on this title.

    To be frank, the plot is not an unique one, but I like the way it has been written especially the vivd description of how the royal family and the upper society acts. Harry is played out to be a powerful individual but so far there has been no real insights as to what he has plan to do. I mean, I understand he wants to destroyed Voldemort but the interaction has not even started after 4 chapters.

    It also seems that Voldemort has been keeping a really really low profile as no mentions has been made on what he has already done to attract the attention of the rest to the uprising of a dark lord. Between I am really curious about his appearances and if he has created all his horcruxes yet...

    Really eager to seeing the interactions between Voldemort and Harry. Frankly speaking, as oppose to the interaction between Lucius and Harry, i am more interested in this pairing. As so far, Lucius has proved to be immature and I always think his attraction comes from his mannerisms and cunning.

    Also, I was thinking if there will be no confrontations between the marauders and Harry. I am assuming a prank war is inevitable in future chapters. Looking forward to that as well.

    All in all, I will be here waiting for your next update.
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  • From fudgebaby on March 04, 2007
    love this story, can't wait for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 03, 2007
    I love it!!!
    (sorry for not having time to write a longer review, I promise a throughout commentary as soon as the next chapter comes out!)
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  • From ANON - smellysocks on March 03, 2007
    I must say... this is one GREAT GREAT story. The sheer amount of detail and thought going into this is astounding and it really is interesting to read something with this sort of plot. I didn't quite understand the part where Harry had come into his powers and the father and uncle were talking about the malestrom and about what would have happened if nothing had been done to stop Harry... But it was still very image-powerful. I know you don't like the "update soon, plz!" thing, so I won't ask. :D Hopefully rl will get better... I'll wait for you! (*gigglegrin*) Sorry.. XD

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  • From ANON - hollowed-self on March 03, 2007
    The much anticipated update. I've read your story over and over again, and I have yet to get tired of it. It really is a nice piece of work. And I thank you for the addition to the fandom. There is one concern I have though. In your strive to make the plot interesting and fulfilling, I'm afraid that you have deprived the developement of the other characters themselves. Believe me, I'm not at all complaining at the rate the plot is unveiling, but please don't rush your characters. As surprising as it sounds from me, your originals characters themselves are interesting in their own right. I know some people are not into reading about original characters in stories (I'm usually one of those people), but I think Anastas's relationships in this new world of his would be a great asset in developing Anastas himself. It will justify their reactions in a more clearer sense. I mean, I know Anastas has a secret goal in all of his actions, but people do change, and their interaction with the people around them sometimes alter their reactions from their usual responses to situations.

    However, all in all, I really really like this story. The first thing that drew me to this story were the pairings acutally *Blush*, but the further more I read the more I found myself hooked into your story. I've always loved a well written LV/HP:LM/HP pairing, those are two of my more favorite pairings.

    I think its under-appreciated in a way. You deserve far more reviews and credit. And yes, I know real life can sometimes be a bum. I always get myself lost in fanfiction just to get away from it. But I'm rooting for you, and so do all the reviewers and readers of your story. We appreciate all the hard work and research you put in this story. Some authors don't bother to write even half of the background details that you have, but I like it. It adds to the value of the story.

    Can't wait for the meeting between Anastas and Voldemort. It's going to be quite interesting.
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  • From ANON - serpentlady on March 03, 2007
    Yay! You updated! I have read some of your other series and am quite a fan. As per your request, here is my review. I quite liked the chapter and the over all plot development. I would definately like to see more in the way of information on the "Potentia Absolutus" and that voice as well as some development on the courtship by Lucius. In the way of constructive critisism, I'm finding that the familial relationships are getting quite complicated simply by the sheer amount of detail you have given. I had trouble finding the story in places because of the bombardment.

    But besides that, great going! I can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - demoinc_darkness on March 02, 2007
    T_T (Tears of joy)

    That was beautiful. I love all your stories but this one is definitely my favorite, partly because of the LM/HP. It is my second favorite pairing. I'm glad to see more of Lucius' scheming in this chapter and I can't wait until he final makes a move. I actually didn't find this chapter very confusing. It was very explicative. You are an excellent writer and I can't wait to read what happens next.
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  • From ANON - dm on March 02, 2007
    I'm loving it. Another great chapter. Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - TJ on February 25, 2007
    This is great and quite fascinating story.
    I have enjoyed it greatly and I hope you will manage to continue soon.
    Thank you.
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