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Reviews for Good Intentions

By : SheWolfe7
  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on December 01, 2013
    Is there more? Please tell me there's more!!!
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  • From ANON - Darkenedrose25 on November 27, 2013
    This is a very good story. I am quite glad i found it. I would love to read more and patiently wait for more. You can email me any time. My email is
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  • From Mashkai30 on August 26, 2013
    Lovely story! I like it thus far and am looking forward to more. Thanks for sharing!
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  • From ANON - sidelines on January 16, 2013
    Okay, so you still left all the 'adult' scenes edited out on the ADULTfanfiction site?


    I'm expected to dig through and find a third site where it is posted? Am I also supposed to answer three questions and complete a quest first?

    Rather confused by this choice.

    W/e it's a great story anyways.
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  • From Wyrdsmith on July 21, 2012
    I know that I'm reviewing this five years after you wrote it, which should say a lot about how well you write! I'm greatly enjoying all of it. I have one "oops" that you doubtless already know -- in this chapter, you have Albus Dumbledore with a wife named Sharon, but in prior chapters he has a husband.

    On to the rest of the story!

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  • From ANON - Shanna on October 23, 2010
    I know you're on indefinite hiatus, but since I just stumbled upon this lovely fic. Simply wanted to leave a few words. :)

    This is wonderfully written and very engaging. I love how you've done so much research for this and the interesting plot twists you have here. Thankfully you have those footnotes to help clarify anything. It's greatly useful.

    Hopefully you'll have something up for GI as soon as you can. Would it be possible if you send me a notification if you do?
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  • From ANON - meamz on August 10, 2009
    Take as much time as you need. While I have enjoyed both Good Intentions and Irreversible Destiny and hope that you will finish Good Intention in the future, right now you just need to take some time to yourself. I will be waiting patiently for your return.
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  • From Nasyki on January 22, 2009
    I really love this story. I read it once a REALLY long time ago, and finally found it again. (Yay!) I love how there are simply so many levels to the story and there is so much going on. How much the story jumps around tends to be very confusing (especially when you are trying to figure out where you left off last time you read it, Lol XD) but I argue with myself that a lot of the secondary stuff that is going on is also vital to the story. I truly cannot wait to see what transgressions will happen with Harry (err...Anastas XP). It seems so longggggg, and the good stuff seems so far offffffff(whine) I don't want to have to wait to get to the good stuff. So update soon~! I can't wait to see what happens. (Lol, and hopefully we can get to the yummy slashy-ness soon.)

    ~Nasyki loves you
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  • From ANON - Alisse on August 23, 2008

    Now it's my sencond time I'm reading your story. And I must say I'm really fascinated. It has a good reasoning why it happens that way and I kind of like the written 'thinking' of the other characters. Your story is really whole and not just some copied nonsense. (I already can't count just how many I've read of them.) I'm quite happy I found your fanfic. It's really good written (even if my english isn't at its best *g*).
    Keep on the good work. I'm looking forward for the upcoming chapters!

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  • From Extraho on July 06, 2008
    ch. 1; oh dear, that did indeed muck up his plamns a bit. - i adore the long chapters!!!
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  • From Extraho on July 06, 2008
    prologue" I LOVE it. i have to admit that all the changes were a bit confusing, but it encourages me to keep an open mind as of what's to come. moving on to chapter one now, see you then *waves good bye*
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  • From DefiantThrallXxX on July 06, 2008
    I have completely forsken sleep in order to read this story! I'm enamored. No criticizims thus far. However, I would like to know more about Harry's powers as a Harpy. Awaiting your next chapter with bated breath!
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  • From SandraM on June 12, 2008
    I actually sat down and read most of the night. Looking forward to the next chapter... I have no gripes or suggestions as to how your story progresses.
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  • From darrena on June 07, 2008
    Wow.. this chapter was absolutely brilliant!!! :) From now on, I'm gonna bookmark this story :) To think that I could have read this chapter so much earlier :D ANyway, love this story and I love you for writing :D
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  • From spoon10488 on May 09, 2008
    Hi, I just read all of your chapters and I'm really enjoying it. I love the detail you put in your story, although I kind of get confused with all the names, but I'm normally bad with names so it doesn't reflect on your story any. =) I like the idea of an alternate world where Anantas (Spelling? sorry bad with names) , aka harry can have a second chance. I'm glad that the creature dwelling inside him seems to only have the best intentions for him. Lusicus (again bad with names) is funny how he is obsessed with him. I'm very pleased with the way you are portraying this world's Voldamort (and again, the name thing). I love how he has an Uncle. The Uncle is kind of a funny character, I can't wait til he meets 'Harry' (sorry the only name I know how to spell). The thing within 'Harry' seems to want a body of it's own to "do something" with 'Harry'. I'm hoping that "something" is lemony fresh (Lol), but this is a Vol/Harry pairing right? I'm guessing this thing inside 'Harry' wants to use Voldamort's body. If I'm right does that meen that Voldamort loses control of himself or is it a symbiotic relationship. I like how you aren't leaving any characters out in this story even if they don't play an important role, ex. Nicolis Flamal or the Marader (sorry, sorry, sorry, name thing again). Okay I think I'm done yapping because if I write anymore I'll probably butcher more names. Lol. Love your story, if possible could you e-mail me at when the next chapter is post. Thanks so much. I hope to read more in the future.
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